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❝ Love makes us do crazy things.❞

Miranda exited her vehicle, making her way to the plane waiting for her. The agent was exhausted and couldn't wait to go home until a phone was stuffed in her face once more. "It's the cheif. For you."

Taking the phone, Carmichael's voice pierced through her ears. "Agent Miranda?"


"Denny Carmichael. See that plane across the way?" The brunette looked over her shoulder to see another plane."Yeah, hard to miss."

Carmichael flipped through some files while he spoke. "Get on it. you're meeting me in Berlin."

Dani scoffed at how sudden she was being pulled in on another mission. "I'm supposed to be in Singapore."

"Not anymore. See you in Berlin. "

With that, the call ended, leaving a distraught, tired, and fuming agent.


The sound of the band filled Fitzroy's ears. Losing people was now natural for him at his age. He thought about it as a chapter of his life closing while a new one blossomed.

The older gentlemen followed the mourning crowd before he was stopped by a young man with a horrendous stache. "Hey, Fitz."

Fitzroy turned to his right only to be met with a shit-eating grin."Do I know you?"

Lloyd spat out his toothpick. "Professionally, maybe. Lloyd Hansen, Hansen Government Services."

"Rings a bell." Fitzroy's eyes narrowed at the man in front of him.

Lloyd smirked."Aw, does it? Good, you know my work. That'll make this next part a lot easier."

"Where are they?" Lloyd demanded.

Fitzroy knew exactly who Hansen had been referring to. The question was, what does an arrogant asshole want with his family. "Where are who?"

Hansen let a chuckle escape from his throat." You really want to do this?"

"Do what?"

The sociopath smirked while he took off his sunglasses. The gray-haired man did the same. "You know what makes me sad, Don?"

"Your small hands?" Fitzroy's tone was calm, but his words created a very thick tension.

"You spent your whole life basically building Sierra from the ground up, and here you are, out to pasture, burying all your old buddies."

Fitzroy sighed."Remind me, Hansen, how long did you last at the agency? Six months?"

"Five and a half." Hansen smirked.

Fitzroy remained composed and unfased as a man like Lloyd Hansen didn't scare him. Not in the slightest. "Bad ethics, zero impulse control, unsanctioned toture."

The sociopath sucked in a breath. "Something like that." 

"So how's the private life treating you? Does it pay as well as they say, or do you spend most of your time strangling cats?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2023 ⏰

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