Ode to that World Long Forgotten

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O to that world we created.

Where yesterdays were but todays,

And tomorrows seemed like yesterdays.

The trees, etched with time we shared.

Marks from when we spared,

And baskets from where we feasted.

From hills of wild, bloomed lilacs,

To the battlefields of Armageddon.

We were together for it all.

When we were captured,

And fought bravely for our lives.

They never saw us coming.

Voices of family members rang out.

They called,

But there was no time for dinner.

When we just had fun.

Those days spent near the sea,

Though we never set foot in those waters.

When we went flying,

Soring in the deep and dark night sky.

You always complained about my scales.

We were an unusual pair.

When they saw the likes of us,

A dragon and a knight.

But two opposites make one whole.

We were that whole.

Two sides to that same coin.

But I am the only one left now.

Ode to that World Long Forgotten Where stories live. Discover now