Interviewing Michael and Mewtwo goes on a date

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Bartleby:(holding an ice pack)Okay guys today were going to interview Michael and we have a dare (grins evilly at Mewtwo)Mewtwo:(frowns) Bartleby:Please give a warm welcome to Michael.Michael:( jumps out shoots both his guns at a box of fireworks and it explodes).Roy:Oh pretty...Bartleby:Awesome.Sebastian:Eh I could do better. Bartleby:Nice entrance now it's time to interview,okay michael what are your powers?Michael:I can control fire.Sebastian:Hell yeah (throws fire in the air).Bartleby:What are your weapons.Michael:Sword and two guns.Bartleby:Last question would you like to see this dare.Michael:Sure is it hilarious?Bartleby:Yep mewtwo has to go on a date with the person he hates the most and it can be both gender.Mewtwo and Lucario:What the hell,you son of a bitch!Bartleby:Don't worry he doesn't hate you the most.Lucario:Thank god.Mewtwo your date with Giovanni awaits.Mewtwo:I'll get you back.Bartleby:Thank you for joining us see you next time.Michael belongs to MichaelHegge6

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