Rainy night

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The Havoc Marauder just touched down on the kamino platform, the bad batch had been out for a week doing reconnaissance for Cody.
They were tired and ready to get back to their barracks after not being able to have a good night's sleep for a few days.
Aloy headed off first she wasn't mucking around, she wanted a shower and to hop into bed.
Crosshair came off behind her, rifle in hand, he watched her walk towards the other end off the platform.
but she was quickly cut off from the rain that just came pouring down.
She ran for this brightly lit little off side ally the only thing that was closest.
Crosshair followed her over and in, both just getting out of the rain just in time.
"Cosy in here ain't it?" Crosshair said with a little smirk looking down at Aloy.
Aloy looked up at him with enchanted eyes, putting her palm to his face.
pressing his head into her palm he reached for her waist.
Aloy grabbed hold of his belt to try giving herself a little extra height.
Crosshair just looked down at her completely mesmerised and focused on her. "you're too pretty..," she spoke soft.
Crosshairs gaze darkened, as he had dropped his rifle, both hands reached around her waist, pulling her in as she put her arms around his neck.
he kissed her passionately, looking deep and longingly at her beauty before closing his eyes.
Being both completely immersed into the kiss.
The alley way was lit up on either side of them making the rain feel obsolete.
The others watched on from the ship waiting for the rain to stop.
"Can't leave those too alone for 2 seconds aye?" Hunter said jokingly.
"They are literally copies of each other, their relationship was bound to happen.
His smart ass stuck up attitude and grumpiness fits her boldness and determination particularly perfectly, they are completely compatible with each other." Tech said, pushing his goggles up his nose.
"I'm just glad they make each other happy," Wrecker said punching Techs arm.
"makes Crosshair happier which is the main thing.." Tech said eyeing Wrecker off rubbing his arm.
The rain started to stop, but Crosshair wasn't, he wanted to hold and keep her in his possessive arms as long as he could.
He reached for her neck, holding it and smiling into the kiss.
Aloys hand brushed up his neck sending a shiver down his spine, Crosshairs other hand reaching down and holding tight on her thigh leaving fingerprints on her..
Aloy pulled on his bottom lip causing him to growl and open his eyes meeting her smart little smirk.
She went back in and kissed him deeply.
The batch walked past, holding their gear "Y'all just gonna keep eating each other's faces off? or come and get some grub?"
Hunter said smirking, Crosshair's eyes opened and stared him down.
Hunter just shrugged it off with a giggle, Crosshair rolled his eyes smirking at Hunter as they broke their contact..
Aloy eyed off his lips as she tilted his head leaving wet little kisses on his neck, tracing slowly up to kiss his tattoo. He groaned, he loved when she did that.
Aloy grabbed hold of his hand that swolled hers and feeling that was loved both ways.
She bend down and picked his rifle up from the ground, and swung it over her shoulder, he smiled, as they walked out to follow behind the boys.
Hunter tilted his head a little to look back without being noticed, to see Crosshair just watching her closely as he held her hand tight.
Hunter was just happy to see his brother happy, that he had found some peace in this war torn galaxy.
"It's wednesday right?" Aloy said "yes it is."  Tech replied.
"Yes we can sleep in tomorrow, and the mess hall has the good shit on Wednesdays."
"Aw yeah!, thanks for reminding me Aloy." Wrecker said with a laugh.
"Now I'm excited." Hunter nugging Wrecker.
Crosshair looked at Aloy with a smile. "I'm forever glad you joined our team, and became apart of our family." "As you should crossy." Aloy giggled, Crosshair rubbed the back of her hand softly.
They all headed in walking closely with each other, looking distant and apart from the rest of kamino.
but they where the best of the best, the experimental unit, clone force 99, the bad batch...

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