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(P!S's P

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(P!S's P.o.V.)

I looked at him, shocked. "...Brother?!"

"Ha! Howdy!" He said as I got off of him.

"B-But... How?!" I asked, my ears pressed against my skull as I looked at him in disbelief. "I saw you.." I paused as he got up, shaking the dirt off his fur coat the best he could.

"Well, thanks to some amazing  people, I survived! Just barely, though! But, thanks to these mechanical robot parts!" He said, showing me his hind left leg.

It was almost completely gone..

He stood up on twos and I saw his whole lower part of his stomach was mechanical, too and as he went back on all fours, I saw one of his ears, too.

"Well? Are you gonna give your brother a hu-" I immediately tackled him into a hug, nuzzling my face into his furry chest, crying.

He hugged me back and nuzzled the top of my head. "I missed you too, big bro.." He whispered, smiling.

After a while, he stood up, with me whining.

"Hold on, Sunny..." He said, his ears erect as he looked around.

Then, I heard it:


My ears harshly pressed against my head and I hissed in a bit of pain. The pain sub-sided and I continued to listen.

"What's the big deal? Who cares! That stupid fox attacked me!"

"Well, maybe.. You shouldn't have tried to pick him up?! He's INJURED and foxes will attacked when they feel attacked and threatened!"


"Fuckin' idiot.. Where is he?"


It was all silent after that for a while..


"Relax! It just ran off after I chased him!"

"Show. Me. Where. He. Is... NOW."

"O-Ok, ok!"

Then, I heard footsteps and looked at Moon.

"Bro, what are they talking about?" He asked, looking at me.

"The human you've just heard has been taking care of me for a while and now their worried about me.." I said and he looked shocked.

"Yes, I know! 'bUt, BrOtHRr, YoU hAtE hUmAnS!' I know, I know, ok!? But this one has be nothing but nice to me.." I said, showing him my now, properly bandaged, leg.

Of course, I still had the bandana wrapped around it, too. Moon slowly started smiling and I shook my head.

'Oh jeez..' I thought, putting a paw to my face.

I love you, buddy.. (Fox!P!S x Non-Binary!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now