Chapter 2: First Lessons PT. 1

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Thank you to the World of Bleach community for their support and for allowing me to use their likeness for some OC's. For those of you who like Bleach RPG's I highly recommend you check out this game! Check it out at

By the time that classes were slated to begin, Kotomi had familiarized herself with the layout of the campus. Much like a traditional high school, each floor of the deceptively large building was dedicated to one of the 6 years of classes that attended the academy. There were 6 subjects in total to be studied, each day only having 3 classes that alternated each day, and each lasting 2 hours with homeroom happening every day. This made 4 classes a day in total. Unlike High Schools though, it seemed that the teachers for each class followed the students as the year passed. Her curiosity won out in the end, and she learned a bit about each teacher.

Their homeroom teacher, Gengoro Onabara would handle the day to day affairs for the first years, offering guidance and advice, and ensuring that struggling students were brought up to speed. He had taught some of the best Soul Reapers in the Soul Society such as Izuru Kira, Shuhei Hisagi, and Toshiro Hitsugaya. She had bumped into him a few times during her exploration of the campus, and discovered him to be firm yet fair. She was eager to learn from him, and he found her enthusiasm refreshing.

Zanjutsu: The Art of the Sword, was taught by Kugo Ginjo who supposedly used to be a Substitute Soul Reaper, before certain events caused his demise. He apparently had made it to the Soul Society, and was offered a full pardon for any crimes he committed while he was alive, so long as he taught at the Academy for a certain amount of time. The student-to-be had only seen him a couple times, but she gathered that he wasn't very good with students, and had a tendency to be a little too harsh, though this WAS going to be his first year teaching.

Kido: Or as Kotomi liked to call it, "Cool magic stuff", was taught by Brisingr Tachibana who she had met before. She heard through the grapevine that he used to be the Zanjutsu teacher before the old Kido teacher retired, and he was filling the role until a suitable replacement could be found. He had a stern expression 24/7 yet was a giant softie under that gruff exterior, taking time to thoroughly answer every question she had brought to him since no matter how busy he was with his other duties.

Kaido: Now dubbed as "Cool healing stuff" was taught by Nurse Arariel, who was absolutely every bit of an airhead as Kotomi thought she was. Yet despite her disposition and clumsiness, she always seemed to have a bit of research and reading going on the side. As unexpected as it was, Kotomi related the most with her sharing her drive to improve. The delicious snacks she always seemed to have at the ready was just an added bonus.

Hakuda, which was training in hand to hand combat, was taught by Rampo Ashida. It seemed like the students referred to him affectionately as Grampo, much to his displeasure. Yet despite his frail looks, the elderly gentleman was still rather skilled, and could easily take down an especially gifted 5th year. He seemed to have a soft spot for the students who didn't particularly excel, yet gave it everything they had every day, holding the opinion that those who practice their hardest will beat those who get by on natural talent.

Hoho, which Kotomi was adamant in calling, "Cool ninja stuff" would be seeing Marechiyo Omaeda, Lieutenant of Squad 2 and the Stealth Force, also becoming a first year teacher. This one confused the girl for quite some time. He was an extremely large man, who she didn't imagine would be very good at hiding, and had an air of smug misplaced superiority as he flaunted his jewelry to nearly anyone who was unfortunate enough to glance in his direction. Still, the man WAS in fact a Lieutenant and she would be foolish to dismiss him outright. It did not, however, make her any more excited to be in his class.

And finally General Studies would be taught by Izuru Kira, Lieutenant of Squad 3, and the final new teacher, an Arrancar named Karrie. Kotomi had accidentally bumped into her one morning as she wandered the courtyard and had a short conversation with her before they parted ways, only then seeing the number 2 tattooed into her upper arm. Karrie was the Segunda Espada, and Kotomi had crashed into her because she was spacing out. All she could do is HOPE that she wasn't on the shit list.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2023 ⏰

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