3. Little home

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After driving for an hour or so you end up deep in a forest and spot a little cabin that looks abandoned, it only had a few spider web on it and the fron porch was missing a fence "we could fix that. Right boomer?" You ask your floppy eared friend and started scratching his floppy ear, at this his tail started wagging and you smile softly,
Forgetting where you where for a second. But you snapped back to reality as boomer snapped his head towards a big bush. You got scared a little and put your hand on your gun just in case, then a beautiful Elk jumped out of it. It's antlers were covered in moss and grass and more greens. It was probably tangled up in that huge bush it just jumped out of and ripped some of it off. The Elk didn't stay long though, as soon as it spotted your truck/car it ran away.

After it ran away you mumbled to yourself "What a beautiful creature" and got out of the car. Boomer was sniffing like a maniac, probably because of the Elk but he didn't go too far away from you.

The door to the cabin was already opened, probably cultists who raided it thinking it had some supplies in it. Boomer entered confidently and you followed him, sadly you weren't paying any attention to what was in front of you and walked straight into a spiderweb. With your arms violently swinging around you ran out the little cabin and spitting a few times because the web went into your mouth. Boomer just looked at you as if you have gone crazy and went back to look around in the cabin, with a deep breath you re-enter the cabin with more caution this time.

It looked like a great little home it had a beautiful living room and a little kitchen. Most of it was decorated already 'the previous owners probably left in a hurry' you thought.

Everything was dusty and full of spiderwebs, but you could change that. It was already getting dark and you decided to sleep in your truck/car, but little did you know that Jacob was watching everything you were doing.

The following day was filled with going to small towns that weren't controlled by the cult and shopping for cleaning supplies and some more decor. All the prices went down since the cult took over, probably because money didn't really have any value anymore.
Also you drove around getting to know Jacob's region, mostly for safety purposes but also so That you wouldn't have to use a map for too long.
The sky was getting dark by the time you got back to your little cabin "my little cabi-" you cut yourself off and looked down to boomer and smiled "our, little cabin" boomer started wagging his tail and barked happily.

You decided that the second day in the Whitetail Mountains came to an early end because you were just so tied. You climbed back into your truck/car after looking around the cabin making sure nothing has happened and quickly fell asleep.

Walking up felt a lot easier since you came to the Whitetail Mountains, and also because sleeping in a car isn't the most comfortable thing.

As you were getting closer to the cabin while stretching you remembered that you didn't even look at the bedroom "for fucks sake man, how could i forget that" the slight anger in your voice made boomer pause for a moment. You were angry at yourself, but why, "sorry Boomer, didn't mean to scare you" you said in a much softer voice. Boomer just went on with his day but you kept thinking on why you were so angry all of a sudden (if you don't know then let me explain. When someone loses someone they love very much and/or are going through a sudden change in their habitat they get really unpredictable and get sudden anger outbursts. That is also why it is an unhealthy to just ignore it and 'keep yourself busy' so please talk to someone<3)

As you enter the bedroom you see that there is a bed frame (any size you want) but no mattress. You want to cuss but you take a beep breath and relax. The room itself was a good little room and you were happy how everything looked, besides you still had to go shopping for food and some seeds because you wanted to start your own little farm.

You had the seeds and food, now you only needed a mattress. Lucky you, you remember you saw a mattress shop yesterday as you were driving around.

You parked the truck/car and walked into the mattress shop, only to your disappointment. It has been turned into a healing centre for the residents. A woman approached you and asked "hi, do you need anything?" As quickly as you can you bulling up the courage to speak and not sound stupid "uhm... yeah. So this may seem weird but do you have any matters in the back? I need one..." "oh, yeah we have a ton of mattress in the back! Just follow me" your anxiety left your body as you started walking behind the woman 'fuck yeah! Score!!!' You thought and did a little happy dance for a split second.

Entering the back there were a shit ton of mattress. It took a while to find the right one but you managed, now for the hard part... getting it into your truck/car.

The following 3 minutes was filled with pure struggle and trying to get the mattress to move. The woman came back to check up on you and saw that you were struggling. She then helped you and together you got it on the truck/car.

After getting into your truck/car you turned on the radio and one of your favourite cult songs came up (my favourite is 'oh, john' and 'help me faith' and 'keep your rifle by your side' and some more) you knew that it is a CULT song but it is just such a hypnotic song and you sang along to it.

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