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"For a million times now, are you sure we brought home the right baby?" I hear father yell from down the hall. "You have been asking me this for five years now, we did! It's not my fault she's an abomination!" My mother yells. 

I take a peek from the corner to see my two older sisters, Amanda and Amara, with mother and father. "That abomination will never be my sister." Amara says as she crosses her arms and rolls her hazel colored eyes. "Agreed. Why does she even have wolf ears and acts like a wolf? And haven't any of y'all notice that she has yellow eyes? Non of us have yellow eyes!" Amanda yells at the tip of her lungs. "She's a monster." I hear my father whisper quietly. 

Tears roll down my eyes as I run to my brother's room. He's the only one in this house I can trust. I open the door and I close it quietly as I possibly can so my parents and my sisters won't hear me. 

"Blair what's wrong? You're crying." He says as he sets the book down that he is reading and looks up at me. I walk over to him and I sit down beside him on his bed. "Edmund...they...they..." I can't get the words out of my mouth because of me crying so much. "Shh I'm here." He says in a calming voice as he hugs me. "They were talking about me. They called me a monster." I finally manage to say. "You're not a monster Blair." He says.

I move away from him so I can look him in the eye. "But I am. I can't control how I act a lot of times. And today...I scratched Amara on her arm." I say as I look at my long nails. "Blair, it's okay. You got me." Edmund says as he hugs me again. "I still can't believe they treat you like how they do, you're only five." He mumbles. 

"Eddy?" I ask using the nickname I gave him. "Yeah?" He asks. "Can I ask you something?" I ask as my voice shakes a little as I talk. "What is it?" He asks. I take a few deep breaths before I say it. 

"Will you always be there for me when I need you?" 

"Of course I will." 



Edmund finally stops hugging me and he grabs something out of his dresser and turns back to me. "Come on turn around." He says. I turn around and he gently grabs my hair and brushes it with the brush he kept in the dresser. 

"It's actually neat how most of your hair is black, but close to your ears it's white." He says. "I guess, but you can't really see it." I say to him. "Do you want me to braid your hair?" He asks. I give a small simple nod as he kept brushing my hair. 

Light sounds come from outside the bedroom door, making my ears twitch. "What is it?" Edmund asks as he looks up from me brushing my hair. "Someone's coming." I say as I begin to shake. "Under my bed." Edmund instructs as he immediately reaches for his book. I jump off the bed and I go under it. 

The doorknob begins to move and the door opens. I can tell that the sound of the footsteps belongs to father. "Edmund have you seen that abomination of a sister of yours anywhere?" Father asks in an anger tone which makes me want to cry. "Um nope I haven't seen Blair anywhere." Edmund lies. "She's probably hiding in the bathroom again." He says as he slams the door and walks away. 

"Okay he's gone you can come out now." Edmund says. I come out from underneath the bed and I look at him shock. "You lied to father." I say. "Well yeah. I promised that I'll be there for you when you need me, so I'm going to protect you too." He says. "You're the best." I smile as I hug him. "Come on lets finish brushing out your hair so I can braid it." Edmund says as I sit back down on the bed. "Okay!" 

The Neglected Wolf GirlWhere stories live. Discover now