13. meet the parents

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Saturday: September 4, 2021

{ Luke }

After an amazing time away, we were back home and preparing for my parents to come. They should be landing any minute now, but instead of me picking them up, they were going to rent a car.

Since being home, I have been on the internet and out of the house. The fans have taken the kid news well and seem to be respectful about it. Even the fans that like to hate on Sierra are being kind and respectful, which is all I can ask for.

Sierra and I had gotten up early this morning and cleaned the house, making sure the guest room was clean for my parents. We even ordered groceries in and got them all put away, all before the kids woke up too.

No sooner than we got breakfast started, the sounds of feet came pitter-pattering down the steps and into the kitchen,

"Good morning" I grinned, kneeling down and hugging them both,

"Hi Daddy" Emersyn giggled then let go and hugged Sierra. Cooper stayed in my arms another minute then moved to Sierra as well.

They clung to Sierra's legs as she made breakfast so I moved about and got their sippy cups together then gave them to them,

"Wanna go watch tv?" I asked. They nodded and headed to the living room with Petunia on their tails. I got the tv on and they settled in,

"Daddy cuddle?" Emersyn asked. How could I say no? I sat down between them and brought them to me, cuddling my two babies.

We didn't cuddle long before Sierra called us for breakfast. The three of us went to the kitchen and I got the kids in their booster seats. They both dug right into their food. They usually do though.

Sierra and I sat after getting Cooper and Emersyn set up and began eating as well,

"So Emmie, Coop, Grandma and Grandpa are coming today" I told them, "Is there anything you want to talk about before?"

Cooper looked around then at me,

"Dey not mean wight?" He asked, making Emersyn nod too,

"They're super nice and would never hurt you" Sierra said. Emersyn and Cooper nodded and kept eating, still a little weary about meeting new people,

"I know this is scary, just like it was when you met your uncles and Aunt Crystal, but I would never ever let anyone hurt you two" I promised, "And if we need to take a people break, we will"

"Okie Daddy" Emersyn smiled.


The kids were content playing in the living room when I heard the car pull into the driveway and got the alert on our camera that someone was here.

"I'll stay with them if you wanna walk out there," Sierra told me. I nodded and headed outside to the driveway. As I stepped off the porch, my parents were getting out of their rented sedan.

"Oh Luke!" my mom beamed and ran to me, hugging me tightly. My dad came forward next, hugging me quickly before letting go,

"Where are our grandbabies?" my mom asked,

"Inside. Sierra's with them. They're a bit nervous even though they've talked to you on the phone" I informed. My parents nodded and grabbed their things from the car. I took my mom's things, except for her small tote bag that she insisted she'd carry and guided them into the house.

As soon as we stepped in the house, Petunia came running over, jumping up on their legs,

"Pigs down" I scolded but she didn't care since my parents started to pet her.

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