3. The Playhouse

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I opened my eyes, and found myself in a cold, dark room. Nothing was clearly visible, but the little window at the top of the room allowed some warm light to enter. My head was slightly paining and I still couldn't understand which kind of room was it. I started getting up, when the door started creaking open, revealing the man behind it. His own negativity soon filled the whole room.
Jungkook: Oh~ You're awake! Come on let's go I wanna play so badly with you..
He tilted his head and smiled at me.
Y/N: Uh-
He cut me off by intertwining his veiny hands with mine, which tangled up so smoothly like they were the unsolved pieces of a puzzle; waiting to be solved. He started walking dramatically with a huge smile on his face. I swear it's the first time I've seen him smiling this big.
"But where..are you taking me..?", I asked, mustering some courage which even I didn't knew where I got that from.
His expressions turned dark, but he continued walking.
We soon entered a huge living room with a luxurious dining area in the centre.
Jungkook: Welcome to my tea party! We will have so much fun with my friends!
I looked around the whole area, and found some plushies on every chair. But one thing caught my attention, there was Jimin, on one of the chairs. What was he doing here?
Jungkook: Come on, introduce yourself to my friends!
He tightly squeezed my hand indicating yo follow his orders.
Y/N: H-Hi... I'm Y/N...Jeon Y/N...
Jungkook: And this is my friend, Jimin. He loves to play with me, don't you, Jimin?
Jimin: Y-Yeah.. (smiles weakly)
Jungkook: Have a seat Y/N!
I was too dazed to give any reaction, I kept standing there, staring at nowhere. And that triggered him as hell.
Jungkook: Have a seat; Y/N...
I, unwantingly sat down across Jimin, without uttering anything. I noticed that Jimin's leg was chained and tied to the table. What the actual-
I thought, what the heck must have Jimin experienced here..
Jungkook: Here, you can see on yhe right, is my bestest friend RJ, he loves to play with me. Just beside him, is shooky, he loves to eat tangerines! There, on the left.....
He kept introducing his so called friends to us, meanwhile I couldn't even understand what the actual heck was happening here. Time passed, but Jungkook kept talking absolute nonsense. He was always forcing Jimin to say something or to do something. His gestures were childish, yet somehow, resembled his satanic aura.
Jungkook: (exhales sharply) Ah, I'm bored. I want to something exciting!~
He stood up, unchained Jimin, and took us into a huge hall-like area. Even if I wanted, I couldn't protest.
Jungkook: I wanted to see this since so long.. But I wasn't getting another puppet who would do it for me. But now that I found you, Y/N, it would be so much more fun. I was bored of Jimin anyways...
And he started laughing hysterically. Would someone freaking tell me what the fuck is happening here?!
Suddenly the lights which had already started flickering, went out. Out of nowhere balloons started falling like rain.
Y/N: H-How did he know this...
Jimin: Don't worry Y/N, I'm here everything's alright, calm down.. Think of something else..
I had globophobia. The fear of balloons. Jimin was my best friend, he went missing 1 year ago, until I found him here.
The balloons started popping. The aura was colourful, yet sickening for me.
I was panting hard, starting to get nauseous.
Jimin: Calm down Y/N! We'll figure something out real quick! Just-Just think about-something that makes you happy! What about-- ice-cream!
Everything was swirling around my eyes. I couldn't think of anything. It felt like someone invisible was choking and strangling me in the air. Things started blacking out. I felt dizzy. Everything seemed just so fake.. I just wanted to get out... My breath was hitching and it felt like dying...
Y/N: IT'S KILLING ME! I.. I.. jimin get me out...
I was sweating intensely and panting hard. I started running here and there banging on the walls and doors.
I was sobbing hard, my lips went dry and my eyes felt heavy.
Y/N: M-mom... dad.. I... I..
As my nauseousness was intensifying, everything started fading away, like colours vanishing from an enchanting picture.. I said something that was only a few octaves high from a whisper, until everything blacked out.
Jimin: Y/N!
Y/N: Jimin-ah.......


Armies! How was it? Don't forget to comment~ Next episodes will come real soon!

Have some Mochi-

And some hope too-

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And some hope too-

How about some kookie??

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How about some kookie??

How about some kookie??

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Bangtan sonyeondan imnida

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Bangtan sonyeondan imnida

Bangtan sonyeondan imnida

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Love you~~~💜💜✨✨

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