chapter 13 - explanations pt. 2

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Jungwon POV:

"Holy shit how the fuck is it so loud already..."  said Jay who was holding my hand while he uses his other to attempt to cover his ear. I just laughed at how cute he was but in the corner of my eye I saw that Niki was pissed off staring at something or someone...

I then walk up to him, "Hey Niki, you okay?" 

"No. I'm not." he said angrily and crushed his red cup. I look over at what hes looking at and I then see Haruto literally flirting with Sunoo.

Now I understood why he was so upset, "Hey its okay Niki how about go outside for a breather okay?" Then I dragged Niki outside with Jay for a while and talked before we went back inside for some fun.





Sunoo POV:

"So I was like is it for free now?" Haruto said after explaining his whole story, I just laughed.

"You're so funny Haruto, I could listen to you all day." I said laughing while holding my stomach. 

"Maybe we should hangout more Sunoo. How about overmorrow?" Haruto said to me.

"Sure!" I said I feel so happy for some reason and I feel something forming in my stomach.

"But lets enjoy the party! After all it's your big day cutie, can I have this dance with you?" Haruto then said winking at me holding his hand out.


I grab it happily and started dancing with him, "CAUSE I I I I KNOW WHAT YOU LIKE BOY! YOUR MY Y Y Y Y CHEMICAL HYBE BOY!" I said screaming the lyrics happily to Haruto as we danced together. It felt like the whole world revolved around me and Haruto for a second. I felt sparks inside of me lighting up in that moment. 

I then pull Haruto outside to have a quick breather after a whole hour of partying because inside was so cramped.

"Thank you for letting me come, Sunoo." Haruto said having a genuine smile, I honestly blushed because he looked so charming.

"Y-you're welcome.." I said looking away.

"Oh right! I need your number so we can hang out overmorrow! Mind if you add yours to my phone?" He said handing his phone to me.

"Of course!" I take the phone and added a new contact: Sunoo!  

I then looked at the top of his phone to see it was already 1 am which it was time to wrap up the party.

I then walk back inside and took a microphone and tapped it, "Hi guys, I hope you guys had a great time but I think it's time to wrap up the party :(" I said sadly, and I heard groans but eventually they stopped. 

Then I started thanking people for coming as they walked out the door and I received some gifts and hugs as they left.

"Bye Sunoo!! Jungwon and Jake said at the same time and Jay waved. 

Niki then came up to me, "I hope you like our gifts we worked hard." Niki said and gave me a hug different from everyone elses'. 

"I do love it Niki. Thank you." I said smiling at him warmly. He then waved at me and left.

Then the last guest to leave was Haruto, "See you later Sun." he winked flirtatiously and left. And now I have to clean up everything. I started off with picking up the trash which there was a lot of (duh what were you thinking dummy). That took around an hour to finish and then it was time to clean out spills, crumbs, stains, and etc...

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