Give us Strength

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Give us strength for the days ahead ,
so that we may live as men with purpose.
Fill our heart with light that we may emanate all the good that comes with it , for we work in the darkness for the light and our minds know no boundaries, our souls thirst for greatness but our bodies yean for rest

Let us find the courage to face our fears,
to stand tall and proud through the coming years.
May our hearts be filled with love and hope,
As we navigate the challenges, we'll cope.

May we find the strength to persevere,
To rise up and conquer, to never fear.
For we are warriors, strong and true,
And together, there's nothing we can't do.

So let us hold on to this strength we've found,
and carry it with us, through every round.
For we are capable, we are brave,
And our purpose will guide us through every wave.

May we always strive to be our best,
to work hard and give our all, to pass the test.
May we be kind and compassionate, too,
Towards ourselves and others, in all we do.

May we find joy and meaning in our days,
and radiate positivity in all our ways.
For we are meant to thrive and flourish,
To live fully and fearlessly, to nourish.

So let us embrace each day with grace,
with hope and determination, at our own pace.
For we are strong and capable,
And our purpose will guide us, unshakable.

May we be men that can never be broken

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2023 ⏰

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