Day 390

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It's been 1 year, 3 weeks, 4 days since the turning. The zombies have been speeding up over time, gradually getting more towards a run. We can only hope it won't happen.


I was in a peaceful slumber when some brat 14 year old decided to wake me up. And normally I would care, but this same girl has been waking me up and significantly lowering the amount of time I sleep. And if it were important, again, I wouldn't care. But it's over boy troubles. I don't care about some stupid "I like him but idk if he likes me back" when I'm trying to help keep people alive.

I guess I should probably talk about myself a little. I do every few days in here.
My name is Scarlett French. I turn 22 in 3 days, and I have survived the zombie apacolypse this long. I really started learning to truly defend myself in the first few days of the Z Takeover. Now don't expect some kind of deep back story about my entire family or my fiancé or the love of my life dying. I never had a fiancé and my family is fine, and living in an extremely protected camp. I have red hair and I am almost 6 feet tall. When it comes to my eyes... well... it's weird. They change and I feel like it's dependent on something, I just haven't figured it out yet. They're most commonly either green or blue.

Anyway, I keep the group together more than most people. The only other person who keeps their shit together as much as me is my best friend Adrienn. She is one of the bravest, toughest, strongest people I know, all while keeping together a wonderful family with a son of 5.

Anyway, after I was so rudely woken up in the middle of the night AGAIN, I finally decided to do something so that she would stop bothering me. I told her I would do something in them morning, so I did. I ALWAYS keep my promises and do what I say I will. When morning came, I had the 14 year old brat guide me to the boy she liked. So I did what any normal person would (NEVER) do.

I told the boy that she had a huge crush on him and had been waking me up everyday for the past week about it. And then I walked off.

I can decide yet if it was a blessing or a curse yet, but so far, that has been the most interesting part of my day.

I think I might go to sleep. I have midnight watch today.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2015 ⏰

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