The Dragneels

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Fairy Tail Natsu vs Zeref:
(After battle)
[Natsu POV]
Silence. Nothing but heavy breathing.
"Thank you" He groaned with a grin smacked across his face as his body leaned up against a stump.
"Why are you thanking me." I huffed, wiping the sweat off my forehead before it could drip down my face.
"This is why you existed, for this very purpose" Zeref said coughing up a bit of blood.
"What are you talking about?" I choked.
No. He's bluffing. He's trying to mess with my head.
I could see Lucy hiding behind a bush from the distance, almost looking a bit panicky.
I put my focus towards Zeref once again,
"Natsu... My little brother," he coughed
My eyes widen as I stood there shaking.
"Y-You're lying! That's cruel" I growled at him.
I clenched my hands making a fiery fist.
"I'm not bluffing, Natsu or also known as Etherias Natsu Dragneel"
I couldn't move. The world around me seemed to have froze just like me. My eyes widened again.
I won't believe this. He's a all for good scumbag who manipulates people. For all I care he can rot in hell where he belongs.
"YOU BASTARD!" I shouted and gritted my teeth slamming my fist towards his face as if he wasn't already in an awful state.
Zeref could barely even move but he managed to stop my blow with one hand.
"Would Igneel want this?" His body shook as he still barely held my fist a few inches away from his face.
"Yes he would! I promised that I would destroy E.N.D and you're it's creator, Igneel will be proud of me for once..."
"He is proud of you Natsu, you've grown a lot" he choked "but you're an idiot" he tried to laugh.
"What're you talking about?"
"You are E.N.D, Natsu... Etherias Natsu Dragneel" he whispered and let go of his grip around my fist.
"I don't believe a word you say" I sassed.
Zeref's eyes began to water. What a baby. All he does is cry. How can he be such a "bad guy".
"Natsu, you died over 400 years ago..." He stuttered letting tears slide down his face "all I wanted was to have my little brother back."
I felt pity for him. How hard he's trying to manipulate me. All of this is just an act. I can sense it.
"When you died, I was all alone. I had no one else." He mumbled and slowly stretched his arm out reaching for the sky "I wanted to know why people lived to just die later on"
He choked on that last sentence and coughed up a little bit more blood.
His story sounded interesting so that's the only reason I stopped to listen.
I sat down in front of him with my legs crossed and my elbows buried into my thighs as I supported my head with both my hands on my cheeks. Zeref, shaking, reached for my right hand and slowly put it down to my lap holding my hand gently.
"So I came up with a few things called the 'R-System' and the 'Eclipse', but never had the chance to use them... The village was to afraid of my plans and knowledge and cursed me. Since I was so obsessed with bringing you back the curse was designed so that if I ever thought about a precious life, the things around me would die. I still can't control it." Zeref muttered under his breath barely hanging on.
He tightened his grip on my hand.
"and because of the black magic, it made me immortal."
I began to get teary, but not teary enough. I know it's an act but he's a really good actor.
"Oh my god..." A voice that sounded very familiar said from a distance.
It was Lucy.
Luce came and sat down next to me
"Luc-" I got cut off
"Let him talk," Lucy snapped
Jeez is she disruptive, could she have not come later or what?
But Zeref continued on anyways.
"the more I held life precious, the more things around me would die. I've been alive for more than 400 hundred years, I've been waiting to die for so long, but nothing was strong enough to kill me so I got into the black magic myself and created demons strong enough to kill me, but not even those were enough. So after years and years and years I kept one body reserved and in a good state. My little brother's body." He said with tears slowly streaming down his face.
" I'm starting to believe what he's saying but I don't want to. Natsu, think about it, he's only bluffing!" I thought to myself.
Lucy looked like this was the best story she had ever heard but I could see it in her eyes that this made her emotional as well.
"I saved your body all these years Natsu, I knew if I used enough of my magic energy I would be able to create the most powerful demon every created and that is you 'E.N.D', the demon of flames, that's when I gave you to Igneel, I knew Igneel would take care of you just well so that you wouldn't turn on anyone. You've grow a lot and with such a kind heart." He muttered trying to stop crying.
I began to have flashbacks of Igneel and held on tightly to my scarf.
"Remember when Igneel said he couldn't defeat E.N.D for a reason?" Zeref asked.
I sat in silence as both Lucy and him stared at me. I looked down at my scarf not saying a word.
"He couldn't defeat E.N.D because he knew it was you, and he couldn't kill the one thing he loved most, just like today I wasn't able to stand up to you, to my little brother. I can't even hurt the one I care about most." He said as he shook wiping the tears off his face.
Lucy stood up and held her head low. She walked to another tree and hugged her knees.
I felt bad now.
I sighed feeling bad that I can't believe any thing he's telling me.
I held my head down low as well and unwrapped my scarf from my neck. keeping it close to me in my arms.
"What he's saying is true Natsu,"
That voice it sounds so familiar.
Zeref's eyes widened.
"M-Mavis?" He mumbled.
"Yes Zeref it's me." The voice said and suddenly they were right next to us.
It was Mavis of course. Her blonde locks flowed in the wind along with her gown. Her bare little feet looked blistered but I hardly doubt that would ever even bother her considering she's a ghost.
"I-I can hear you, I-I can see you" Zeref stuttered beginning to bawl his eyes out.
Mavis smiled and leaned up against him as she took Zeref's free hand and intertwined her fingers with his.
"This can't all be true..." I muttered.
"I know you don't want to believe it but it's true, I wouldn't lie to you Natsu. You were a great kid and Zeref talked about you constantly." She said smiling reaching for my free hand with her free hand.
She gently held it and brought me closer to them.
"Zeref lived through hell just to have you back in his life, and so that he could stop suffering and finally be put to rest"
"And finally I will" Zeref said coughing
"But Natsu, you don't have much time left, you'll have to hurry if you want to say goodbye to the guild." Mavis said.
"What do you mean? I'm not going anywhere." I muttered getting up to my feet.
"What?" I heard from the other side of tree.
It was Lucy once more.
"What do you mean he has to hurry if he wants to get a goodbye in?"
Mavis and Zeref stared at each other and then back to us. He held his head low and Mavis answered us for him.
"Natsu, you're as powerful as you are by Zeref's magic energy, you're also alive because of his magic energy."
"I CANT TAKE ALL OF THIS!" Lucy yelled and bursted into tears.
"Natsu, you're such an innocent and sweet guy to have been through all this madness... How can you do this..." Lucy muttered under her voice.
Mavis sighed and got a bit teary herself.
"Natsu... Since you're alive today due to Zeref's magic... If Zeref dies... You'll die too."
I stood in shock with Lucy.
"Please tell me this is a bluff" Lucy asked.
Mavis shook her head.
"I'm afraid it's not, my friend."
Lucy grabbed my sleeve and cried into it.
I'm gonna cry myself. I've been through so much without even knowing it... What even is my life? Can I even say I have it if I never even had the chance to live it..
Mavis pulled Zeref up to his feet.
He had his arm wrapped around her and not even she could keep him balanced. He fell right into me.
I couldn't hold back anymore. I let my emotions take over and tears rushed down my face as I held Zeref close to me.
"Big brother..." I whispered with tears streaming down my cheeks.
His eyes widened and he barely could even wrap his arms around me.
"Thank you, for everything... Little brother." He muttered and then silence as his body still pressed up against me.
Then to the side I saw him standing next to me perfectly fine, but I was till holding his body.
"What?" I shook and leaned his body up against the stump as I didn't realize he died in my arms and that his soul stood next to Mavis.
Lucy shook and let go of my sleeve.
"N-Natsu, this i-isn't happening. I won't allow it!"
I felt a breeze go through my hair and as I hung my head my legs began to turn to ashes flowing in the wind.
"NATSU!" Lucy yelled crying.
"Don't leave me alone!" She said wrapping her arms around me.
Her hot tears fell on the crease of my collarbone and she buried her head into my chest with more tears. She intertwined her fingers with mine.
My eyes widened and soon my hips became ashes that blew in the wind.
"I can't let this happen. Natsu... I don't want you to go. Don't leave me... You promised me more adventures to come, everything is more fun when we're together" she said huffing with tears dripping off her chin.
I put my free hand on her chin and lifted her jaw up to my face. I leaned in and locked my lips with hers as her eyes widened with one last tear dripping down her face as one tear slid down mine.
"N-Natsu," she stuttered
"We'll have adventures again, Lucy. This one is just starting," I said backing up a bit and as my hand that was intertwined with hers turned to ash, so did the rest of me, as my ashes flew from Lucy's reach. The only physical thing left of me was the scarf Igneel gave to me.
"NATSU!" she screamed running after the ashes as she tripped and fell to her knees. She cried into her palms and looked down at the ground in front of her. Lucy shook as she reached for my scarf and then slowly wrapped it around her neck crying into it.
"She can't see me..." I muttered.
I felt a hand touch my shoulder as I turned to see Mavis.
"She will one day," she said just trying to cheer me up.
"Why did this have to happen?" I mumbled with tears forming in my eyes.
"Things happen for a reason,Natsu. God just has a weird way of explaining why" Mavis answered. I turned my head some more to see Zeref staring at Lucy with guilt glistening in his eyes.
I shook Mavis's hand off my shoulder and walked over to Lucy who was crying into my scarf. I stood behind her and leaned over her shoulder, giving her a peck on the cheek. My tears began to drip from my face.
"I love you, Lucy" I whispered into her ear, even though I knew she couldn't hear me.
"I loved you, Natsu" she mumbled under her breath. Then soon Gray and Erza were looking for Lucy and finally found her.
They rushed over to her and began talking. All I could see was there mouths moving. I blocked out all sound around me as all I could think about why this had to happen.
I stood up and turned around to stare directly at Zeref and Mavis.
He put his hand out towards me and said "Like you said 'This adventure is just starting'"
I gave a slight smile and grabbed his hand.
"Let the adventure begin" I muttered
As the three of us walked down our path I turned my head to look back at Lucy and she was staring off into my direction. And from the distance I heard her whisper very lightly
"I can see you now, Natsu" with one last tear being shed from her eyes as she smiled in my direction.
"We'll have more adventures again one day" I whispered to myself and raised my arm up pointing towards the sky with my palm facing behind me. My once "Guild's" hand symbol.

I hope you guys enjoyed my short fanfic ^-^ im sorry for how awful this was typed and how awful the fanfic is itself but i hope you guys enjoyed anyways ^-^

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2015 ⏰

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