3 - Testing Magic while Saving a Village

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No one's POV

We see Y/n in his throne room, testing out the powers that he has at his disposal, as well as testing an item that one of the other members used when they were online.

Y/n: *sigh* Let's hope I get this working soon...

Y/n: If I can this projector to work, I should be able to get a better view of the surroundings.

After a few more minutes of trying, Y/n finally gets it to work, as he sees an area that surrounds the current location of the Guild.

After a few more minutes of trying, Y/n finally gets it to work, as he sees an area that surrounds the current location of the Guild

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Y/n: Yes! I did it!!

As Y/n does a little celebratory dance, a knock is heard at the door, which makes him stop, and clear his throat.

Y/n: Enter.

The doors then open, as Kaho comes in with a cup of tea.

The doors then open, as Kaho comes in with a cup of tea

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Kaho: How are you doing today, Lord Avos?

Y/n: Good. I was able to get the device that Ax3l used working!

Kaho: *clapping* Amazing! Have you found anything out in this world, yet?

Y/n: Not yet. I just finished-

Y/n turns to look at the projection, and notices a town being attacked by knights.

Y/n turns to look at the projection, and notices a town being attacked by knights

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Y/n: Knights... Why would they attack a village?

As Y/n watches this, he notices something.

Y/n: What's going on with me?! Why don't I feel scarred like I normally would? But still... a part of me is telling me to save them... Why...?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2023 ⏰

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