Final fight/Ending scene

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mutliversal battle between midnight fellas,New world order,thunderbolts,the seven and others heroes,teams,villains,anti heroes,kaijus from earth - 21376 along with angrycraft67 universe,sins kids against gray mann's robots. 

meanwhile Gray mann in armor robot was fighting against the new commando elite, One of mini rockets out of robot armor's back lanches at deadpool but pyro with flamethrower airblasts then causing hit back,kip killigan cuts left leg of armor with knife and hob goblin throws pumpkin bombs at armor, it was hard battle of command elite 

but someone jumps to attack gray mann and it's was XS.10.5. gray mann furious changes the left arm of robot armor into blade and stabs in XS - 10.5. A robot chick was bledding as gray mann throws her against to wall .

"Gray mann: Foolish robot, you have no idea how strong this armor is !"  

as the right arm minigun of armor points at her preaping to kill until deadpool jumps and puts his sword through to chest robot armor.

The new commando elite though they win but grey mann was laughing.

"Gust fallout: What's so, funny old man ?" 

"gray mann: you have no idea..... you have idea what is comming for you all" 

then an light starts flashing in chest of robot armor.

"Grey man:I put self destruction in suit and the robots when it's reach to 0 it will cause  a massive explosion turn this universe into to pieces one by one ,now enjoy the end of your universe"  

" deadpool: ok ok now It's more darker  then i expect" 

"Eddie brock: Is anyone here have a plan ?" 

"pyro: mmph mhph" 

"frank tank: if we have something  to put this bombs alway for this universe we might be happpy"
"???: don't worry i have idea" reed richards shows up along with frenchie with robotic arm

In earth of memecu, Memevengers are fighting woody woodpecker until one of  gray mann's robot destroyed lands in ground with flashing light in his eyes. 

"shaggy (memecu) like- wait those robots aren't familiar ?"  

meanwhile in earth 21376....

"Soldier: Throw suit case to what it belongs !"

 everyone and even the kaijus throws the robots to portal before they explodes.

"Corey: this like we cleaning the trash around miami beach. " "Steppenwolf: you shall not pass to this earth robots"

Quicksilver throws robot to portal as he saws his sister carrying the rest of robots

"quicksilver: We're almost done " 

"Cj (lasher): ah,look all at this pay though"

"Nick leo: plan is working now what we are going to with armor ?"

Major chip hazard thinks as he looks both sides. 

"Major chip hazard: you and lindsay launch will take the old man out of this suit while i alert to everyone"

"Nick leo: Yes sir !"  Nick leo goes with lindsay to take off gray mann out of the suit and  chip hazard goes in front of everyone

"Major chip hazard: gentlemen, the robot armor  has bomb that's can destroy a universe. we need someone teleport to other universe"

Misty smiles with a intersting idea as she looks at Doctor strange. 
"Doctor strange: What ?"

Meanwhile in Earth 69, at America Museum of natural history, larry daley was guard the museum until portal shows opon as drops the robotic armor with letter. Larry daley jumps out he picks the letter that's says "This is part of museum as gift - Anonmous person" as he looks armor witch reachs to zero.

"Larry daley: did i order a robot suit to this muse-"

Robot armor explodes provocing a destrucion around earth 69 meanwhile  earth 21376 people was Protecting for explosion impact from sky. when explosion was over. nothing was left for both  memecu and earth 69.... nothing but space. 

the slience takes over and heroes,villains,anti heroes,teams and kaijus realizes that everything is over.

"Heavy weapons guy: So, we win yeah ?"  "Ozymandias:guess we won this time" 

"Vash (angrycraft67): fuck yeah ! we did it !" 

"wee Hughie: wait where's bruce ?"

As they hear a roar of what surpots to be the desvastor who's jumps  lands in ground with tek knight in his shoulder

"Willaim butcher: there is. Bruce wayne, the desvator but alive with tek knight" 

"Doctor doom: you all going act knowlauge but truth is.... i'm not victor von doom"

Dr doom takes off his mask in front of everyone reveal that's it's james stillwell

"Homelander: James stillwell ?!" "Tek knight: is this surports to be joke ? right ?"

"James stillwell:  as some of you guys know i been a  staff of vought for a year,when i  heard about invasion of  kang the conqueror in this earth and so, I made this suit in case fighting big threads."

"Alex mercer: but what about missing rest of avengers"

"James stillwell: i deal with then by my own, tony and logan were dead while steve rogers i put syringe in his neck provincing a infection"

"Edward blake (the comedian): woah....." "Willaim butcher: I never seen such a cruel thing in my life"

 "Reed richards: but why would you do that ?" 

"James stillwell: the heroes can do what they want and so, i do by my self" 

"Demoman: oh, i must be drunk"

"Ghost rider (johhny klebits) and toni cipriani: You are drunk" 

"Fume (daughter of misty and the comedian): but at least we save the entire universe" 

as she hugs misty (her mother) with happines. 

"The collector: indeed, can we going to eat some pizza baggels to celebrate" "Nemesis:  Stars"

while everyone was talking, Major chip hazard smiles as he looks at sun rising

"Major chip hazard: it's just like that day  when me and my team escapes from toy r us"

"Mex the cybermen: well indeed, we are you going to do now ?" 

"Major chip hazard: i think we should take care of this earth from any thread you know."

"Mex the cybermen: indeed sir"

The punisher aka cosmic ghost rider arrives with speech.

"the Punisher (cosmic Ghost rider): as this day , we save entire earth for destruction. we save the earth mutiple times but today is glory day for us. heroes,villains, kaijus and others we are born to greatful and most at all fucked up people in this universe.... Midnight fellas..... assemble"

Everyone was celebrating after punisher says line 

*credits shows up with on melancholy hill playing*

Commando elite f*cked up finaleWhere stories live. Discover now