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The hospital was horrible when Linda saw her baby. She was in a cast with bandages all over her back bruised pale face red from crying. She looked horrible; and Linda couldn't handle it; her youngest daughter was looking horrible with life lines practically keeping her alive. How could any mom handle this? Linda cradled her baby in her arms she just held her god only knew if Linda would be able to much longer. Linda just stood like that for hours never letting go of her daughter knowing if she did she may lose her and regret everything Linda couldn't even imagine a world without her youngest daughter this all just didn't seem right. Linda looked at her daughter. Her once tan complexion turned into a white and almost sick looking color Linda had never seen anything like this in her life and she wished the first time she did it wasn't on her daughter. Regardless though Linda still stuck it out and held her child never letting go making sure she was in warm welcoming hands and honestly that's all Linda really could do. Linda didn't know how long passed until the doctor came in. Honestly everything was a blur. *Hey Mrs.Belcher how are we doing today?"Stressedー Linda couldn't help it she had to tell the truth she felt horrible her daughter was staying there so still that if there weren't monitors hooked up to Louise Linda would think shes dead. But Linda kept her cool as much as she possibly could as the doctor monitored Louise. He just kept writing in his little book never disturbing Linda, just making sure Linda wasn't freaking out. The doctor didn't want to add more stress to this poor family. Linda just looked ahead at her daughter trying to imagine her full of life and happiness and in Lindas head she was. ¨Ok so Louise is definitely still in critical condition I wouldn't expect her to wake up today Iḿ sorry Mrs.Belcher.¨ With that Linda understood her daughter would only be able to sleep right here for god knows how long as a mother it was so hard to watch her daughters vitals were low and everything Linda couldn't take until she heard the flatline..

Bob was at home running the restaurants while the kids were in school. He wanted to be with Louise but they needed money especially if they now had to pay the hospital bills they were sure to receive. Bob couldn't help it he missed Louise he never stopped thinking about her but tomorrow was his day to go to the hospital while Linda stays back and watches the restaurant. It was killing Bob. He had no idea what was going on with his youngest daughter. He had no idea how he was supposed to handle this. But in contrast to the fact of his daughter he still made the burgers while cleaning the restaurants was closing early at 2:45 when the kids would be home the entire family would go and see Louise and Bob couldn't tell if this fact scared him or excited him more like how was he supposed to go see his youngest daughter hooked up to machines but at the same time he honestly couldn't imagine not seeing his daughter at all the situation was just so fucked up in his mind. His thoughts were abruptly interrupted by the sound of the door opening . Teddy called his order and it was just now done and on a plate and Bob brought it out to him without a word at all. Teddy knew Bob was having a rough time so he just let it go. He ate his food and left a tip. He walked out with a bye Bob but never got a reply. It honestly killed Teddy to see his best friend so heartbroken and sad and honestly he wished the best for Bob. Bob couldn't even muster up the courage to talk at this point he was waiting for a text from Linda saying Louise is fine and doing amazing but never got a message or a call making Bob fear for the absolute worse.

Tina and Gene couldn't handle this shit either while they were at school everyone looked at them and tried to ask them questions they all just made the situation so much worse. They wished these kids would just leave them alone Tina really wanted to know what was going on with her youngest sister but just couldn't seem to find time to go to the office the kids missed a lot of days in school when Louise fell down the well so now they all had to catch up on work Tina really did want to go up to the office and call but knew it might make this situation more stressful. But Tina couldn't worry about all this she HAD to catch up she was in library taking her quiz she didn't stutter as she finished her quiz two girls kept looking at her and gossiping Tina could hear them "That's the girl whos sisters is in the hospital" "omg" Tina couldn't handle it she walked up to them "Keep my personal life out of your mouth understand?" "And what if we don't?" The blond girl replied before Tina punched her she couldn't handle that shit its not fair HER sister was in the hospital. It wasn't that enough already or did people just have to make this shit worse Tina walked to Mr.Fronds room she needed to talk to someone even if it was Me. Frond it was better than nobody but Tina had to think on her way there she was probably going to be in trouble for punching that girl So Tina wanted to make sure the principal knew the whole story before she got in trouble she knew it was wrong to hit but god she couldn't handle this no more it's bad enough she has to live it and now people always remind her of the fact her sisters laying in a hospital bed.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2023 ⏰

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