Drunk in love!

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Edd's Pov
Woah that was weird I didn't expect him to act like its nothing.

I mean every time I've told someone to walk with me ,they would laugh.

Maybe they suspected my fear of the dark.....

"So um dou-

"It's Eddward or just edd." I corrected.

"Okay.... Edd anyways I was wondering."

"Yes go on?."

"Are you afraid of the dark?." Asked Kevin.

Dang it!?!!.

"Uh...isn't it obvious." I replied.

"Well I'm not trying to be rude by the way." said Kevin.

"Oh....i appreciate that thanks Kevin, not many people I've told wouldn't be so calm....your the first." I said relived.

3rd persons Pov
Moments later Eddward and Kevin got the blankets and went down stairs.

It was dark but it was only 8:00 pm so it wasn't too late.

So Eddward got some snacks and a bottle of soda for Kevin...but Eddward didn't know he grabbed a bottle of wine....

Edd's Pov
Umm I've got some snacks and soda for you!. I don't normally drink soda but I bought some for my guest.

"Oh thanks!." Said Kevin.

"Your welcome oh! Hold up let me get you a cup."


Okay their riggghht here!.

I hope the flash light has enough batteries , I'll bring some more just in case.

Kevin's Pov
I don't think Edd will notice that I took a sip , from the 2 liter.

"*gulp* this....soda taste...weird."

"Kevin I'm coming!." Said Edd coming the kitchen.

Oh crap!

There it's closed now I just act normal.

"Here you go! I've checked their clean no need to worry."

"Ok....um Edd are you sure this is regular soda?." I asked.

"Yes I'm sure of it." Replied Edd.

"Now let's not waste time! The snacks will get wasted and the drinks will get hot." said Edd.

(are you sure your not gonna get wasted?.😎)


*moments Later*

Edd's Pov
"Uh edd....c-can I have I have a another glass...ha!." Asked Kevin.

"Sure, what time is it?." I asked because my phones dead.

"Don't know, don't care." replied Kevin being a bit uneasy.

"H-hey you what sounds great right *hiccup* now!." Said Kevin sitting infront of me.

"W-what?." I reply.

Kevin's acting a little weird it's creeping me out?!?!.

"a-nal S-s *hiccups* exxxx."

What?!?! *blush*

"I've n-never *hiccup* did it before but *hiccup* but I rememba Nat watchin gay porn......"

I think he's drunk?!?? I must of accidentally grabbed something else!?!?.

(Nah we didn't know)

3rd persons Pov
As Edd was sitting in front of Kevin, drunk Kevin decided to kick things up a notch by getting on top of Edd.

"So....hows about it...double dork." Asked Kevin or drunk Kevin.

"*blush* Kevin this isn't you, y-your drunk." Said Edd getting dark red by the second.

"C'mon sweet cheeks, I wanna see what your c-*hicups* ock looks like." Said Kevin grabbing Edd's crotch.

"I know you.....w-want it...I c-can't hold it in an-anymore....i.l-love.." said Kevin but getting cut off by a deep kiss from Edd.

"K-Kevin I know that your drunk and stuff...but I *blush* love you too." said Edd confessing his love to Kevin.

Kevin's Pov
Man. I don't know how long I can pretend to be drunk?.

I feel guilty , but Edd did confess his love t-to me!.

"Kevin a-are you alright?." Asked Edd.

Oh crap! He's on to me, think fast Barr.

"E-edd..." I said nervously.

"Yes?." Replied Edd.

"I'm not *blush* drunk, I never was I just being a pussy, not confessing my love to you."

"Kevin....its alright but."


"Language....please. and another thing , is do you really love me?!."

"I know it's crazy but ever since you came back and I'm with you I feel like I'm not alone, for years I've felt like I have no one, but your so full of joy and happiness that you complete me *blush*."

"Oh Kevin! *blush* that's so sweet! I love you."

"And yes I love you, with all my heart." I said.

"Well it's late, let's go to sleep we'll talk more tomorrow." Said Edd getting comfortable.

"Ok....i love you Edd." Said wrapping my arm around Edd.

"I love you too Kevin." Said Edd cuddling up next to me.

Hey! Weird chapter huh, well hope you enjoyed!.

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