6 0 0

I somehow manage to calm down after being taken back to.. back to that place. I still can't help but wonder how. How does she know.

I turn the Radio on, the static crackling as I try to find the right frequency.. heh who am I kidding it's practically impossible to find the right one now but at least the static is something to fill the silence as I just sit down by the window - scribbling in my journal, being interrupted by a knock at the door. I look up, my attention shifting towards the door as I try to stay silent in hopes that whoever it is will just leave me alone.

"Malinovski, are you in there?"

Why is she back. Detective Ichinose is more intelligent than the average civilian, she probably won't believe I'm not in here considering the radios crackling pretty loudly. I sigh as I place my journal to the side, my heart beating loudly in my chest as I convince myself she's just here to check up on me. I can feel the tiny hairs on the back of my neck stand up as I reach for the door handle, my heart beginning to beat quicker as I take a deep breath and unlock the door before opening it. The shorter woman pushes me back inside the apartment, closing the door behind the two of us - I just look at her, one hand on her gun holster as the other reaches for her badge.

"Don't even try to move."

I stay completely still, I don't intend on fucking around and finding out with this one because I doubt it'll go well if I do. I just calmly and slowly raise my hands, my gaze drifting towards the kitchen counter where the box of cookies is sat, untouched from earlier.

"Is there a problem, detective?"

"I know what you are, Lev. You don't have to act all innocent."

"It's not an act, if you know what I am then you'd know I'm trying to move on from that."

She relaxes a little, her hand moving away from her gun holster but now reaching for mine as she gestures for me to put my hands down - as I do she grabs my one hand and cuffs it, reaching up and grabbing the other, slamming it against my back as she turns me around and finishes cuffing me.

"..there, now you can't try anything."

"What th-"

"It's for my own safety, if you are as dangerous as they say you are then I must take precautions."

"So this isn't an arrest..?"

"No. Not at all."

"I would offer you a drink but uh.."

I smile nervously, moving my hands a little - the restraints jangling a little. She just stares at me, clearly not finding me funny in any way, her face is quite serious.


"It's okay. I have some questions for you, Malinovski."

"And they are...?"

She sighs before gesturing for me to sit down, and I do as she wants - after all I can't exactly defend myself if she happens to attack myself so I may as well follow orders, I used to be good at that. The detective sits on the edge of the coffee table in front of me, sliding her pistol out of its holster and placing it next to her.

"Have you ever heard of an Akari Kimizuki.

"That psycho girl who killed 5 people then died too? Yea."

I see her grip the edge of the coffee table as I refer to the girl as a psycho, her body language tells me she's irritated by that response.

"She wasn't a psycho, she was afraid."

"How would you kn-"

Just as I go to finish my sentence I can feel the air get thicker, her hand sliding towards her pistol as I decide not to finish what I was about to say. Wait, Is she Kimizuki?

"Wait.. are y-"

"What!? No! I'm a detective, not a murderer!"

"So defensive for someone who isn't a murderer."

And before I can blink, she's stood over me, cold metal pressed to my forehead as my gaze meets hers. I just smile and tilt my head the slightest bit, her hands shaking as she debates pulling the trigger.

"Old instincts, Ichinose? Or should I say Kimizuki.."

"Shut up before I blow your brains out you cocky bastard!"

"Guess you couldn't keep up the innocent schoolgirl act for long, could you?"

'Ichinose' stares coldly at me as her finger twitches on the trigger - I slowly move my hand so that it's just under my chin before quickly flicking my hand up so the barrel is no longer against my forehand and I grip it tightly, ripping it from the detectives hand.

"I'll take that as a no."

I smile as I point the gun at her as she stares in disbelief, quickly losing the confidence she had just mere seconds ago. Then I gesture for her to sit down again, handing over the pistol as she relaxes.

"..How did you-"

"Oh C'mon. You know I'm government trained, it's also as if an assassin is going to know how to defend himself."

"Your right, dumb question, I'm sorry."

"It's fine but I believe a proper introduction is in order?-"

I lean back, putting my arm across the back of the couch as she puts the pistol away - mumbling something before looking at me.

"..Detective Xii Ichinose, that's my name."

"Spell it."


"Your not deaf, spell it."


"Explains why '12' is your codename then."

Xii goes to say something, stumbling over her words before just going quiet - I could tell she wanted to say something sarcastic to respond but now I know too much about her just like she does me. Instead she sighs and takes the keys to her cuffs, unlocking them and putting them back on her belt - getting up as she glares at me.

"I'll see you around, Malinovski."

She then makes her way over to the door, not looking back at me. I just watch her leave, rubbing my wrists that are red from the cuffs.

"See you around, detective."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2023 ⏰

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