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Chapter 4
The bands back together again

NIGHTFALL CAME QUICK THAT NIGHT, I'd decided to have a nap, exhausted from the school day prior

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

NIGHTFALL CAME QUICK THAT NIGHT, I'd decided to have a nap, exhausted from the school day prior. I was woken up to the familiar 'hums' of Derek's Camaro, and then he drove off? I had no idea what he was up to these days, but I decided to brush it off. 

I turned back, heading into a different room of what was left of the house ruins. The room where I had placed all of my gym equipment, I put on my light glove wear, that mostly protected my knuckles and began throwing punch after punch, hitting the target dead-on every time. Ever since our house was attacked, we'd been on the move constantly, afraid of being the next targets, the next victims to whatever cruelty in this world. Hunters, after all we all knew that the house fire wasn't an accident.

But Derek never told me the truth as to whom was responsible for the murders of my family.

Derek and Laura were persistent on me learning better hand-to-hand combat, which I of course went along with. As if the frequent at home gym sessions and sparring sessions with them wasn't enough, they insisted on me building up my other core skills, stamina and my agility. If I didn't at least go on one run a day, I'd have to triple the amount I had to run.

So I was almost certain I could kick anyone's ass. Besides the Alpha, the thought of coming face-to-face with those bloodthirsty red eyes haunted my dreams, making me physically cringe at the thought itself. But, how did I even know the Alpha wasn't just a rumor. Derek didn't seem to be particularly fazed by the potential threat, so why should I be?

Beads of sweat drenched my body from head-to-toe, I had almost finished my intense workout when I heard a noise from outside, it sounded an awful lot like voices?

I looked outside, but couldn't see anybody nor was Derek's Camaro parked in it's designated spot. Creeping down the old wrecked stairs, I neared the red front door, my breathing was heavier and hard to control - because of my discontinued workout, but I forgot about all of that and focused on the task at hand.

I turned the knob to the front door and with a click, the door opened, the night's air was crisp on my exposed skin, goosebumps spreading over the bare flesh displayed on my arms.

I snuck around the side of the house, my back firmly pressed against the ruins, as my eyes scanned my surroundings for any possible threat. The voices got louder and more frantic, but with the crows singing and the gushing wind swaying loudly, I couldn't match any faces to the voices, nor could i tell how many people were out here.

Turning around yet another corner of the old house, I saw two figures creeping up to the ruins, one of them crouching down, whilst the other stood tall, almost sniffing the air?

𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙳𝙴𝚅𝙸𝙻 𝚆𝙸𝚃𝙷𝙸𝙽, stiles stilinskiحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن