A whole other world

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(You can choose your race, but you know some Spanish and find it funny when no one can understand you except for the kids you thought it to)

You were assigned a person two years after arriving at Pandora. You thought it would be your friend Tommy sully when you saw the last name.

Then he arrived, and it was not who you thought it would be. Jake is just the one guy you didn't want to see on this trip.

You came out at the worst time when he first arrived. You disconnected from your avatar and came to face to...well face to stomach for him. You were a tall mother fucker.

Even if he could stand, he would face to man boobs.

Grace didn't like him before you even told her about the stories you had.
"Snack on the go I thought your slim Jim brother would come?"

Constant mocking came from your part. Jake couldn't stop noticing new marks on you. You noticed that to and laughed. "Yep got some bite marks from the the animals our there. The kids bite, and so do the dads, and so do the animals that like and hate you." You said now pointing to many bite marks on you.

You patted his shoulder and said, "They find me tasty..it's terrifying" before walking off to get some food.

You were out during the nights, so not many others didn't see you often. One day during one of Grace's trips she brought the new rookies and Jake got chased away from them.

So you had to find him. You haven't been out in this part of the forest when you got grabbed.

You heard the sound of what was like horses to you and started running in the opposite direction. You knew who it was.

You only seen him from afar. You must have been in na'vi territory.

You didn't get far. Getting caught by a rope by the feet. "Another one of the sky people," a na'vi male said, holding you, grabbed your tail, looking at it.

"Never mind, it's that double talker. The children talk about this one, thought he was bigger,"

"Estupido, you let me go. I leave your territory. Deal?" You tried talking to them, but they didn't listen and brought you along.

Another group joined them with none other than Jake Sully. "You..."

Jake turned to you, shocked. "You're the double talker?!" He yelled," Put was smacked on the head.

"I was wrong. You're not estupido he is," you pointed you head to Jake.

This was the last place you wanted to be. You enjoyed the children however the adults were a pain.

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