Intro, Ep 1.0

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*So i was in Twitter and i read one of Eyereen's au's (like always) and decide this one i had to write, don't worries i asked for permission already*
*So now onto the intro*

All of this episode is Will's POV

#Wilbur one day decided that his scheduled path was pathetic so he took a shortcut to the changing rooms, when he arrived he was surprised to see his favorite nerd Techno with his enemy's costume on and mask on hand, he hid behind a convenient pilar where he stayed for a solid 2 minutes and 27 seconds (the same time he got from taking the shortcut); when he recovered from his thoughts he saw that Techno had left, he remain calm and continue on to his classes#

Skip to history class

Will's head was focused more on his classmate than his class, but more than his usual overthinking filled his thoughts.

-^What do i do now!?, I am a villain and he's a hero, i can't exchange classes or seats, more important what do i do when he gets injured from fighting?, should i stop? Or-..... or~ i could help him indirectly^

*Wil was brought back to the real world*

-"WILIAM! Can you answer this question?!

Wil•"I- I can answer, just give me a moment"

*Wil looks for his notes and gives an short answer*

-"Good job William, but next time give an more detailed answer and don't take to long to answer, got it?"

Wil•"Got it mister"

Wil returned to his thoughts as soon as he stopped speaking trying to copy most of Techno's notes and summary's. And the classes ended as usual.

Skip to night time

Wil was causing problems as usual at ungodly hours of the night just to get relaxed from the morning, and looting everything that was loot-able, then he saw his enemy Techno in his "Blood lackey" costume.

Wil•"Oh~ look who is it, it's the blood's minion"

Tech"Quit it Siren, what's you reasoning behind tonights trouble's"

Wil•"Ugh- just relaxing, what? Is it too much for you is it tiring at this time of the night?~"

Tech•"You know Siren just give up, so i don't break you apart"

They started fighting, well Tech was fighting, while Wil just took the offensive, then came someone into the mix

???•"Well would you look at that?, my favorite people, "Lackey" and "Siren"".

Wil•"F#ck of, Poker".

'Poker'•"What? Are you not happy to see me fishy?~".

Tech•"Why are you here Poker?, are you ready for more?, How's your eye?".

'Poker'•"Glad you ask leach! Nothing than a bit of magic can't do~ the only thing is a scar".

While everything was happening Wil was in his thoughts.

-^Sh#t! Why is Poker here? He attacks the other side of the town! If he and i fight Tech he will be injured! And he won't be in class, tomorrow there's a quiz!.

Wil had a plan but this plan had a flaw-

Wil•"Hey Poker!!, Get your own nemesis!".

'Poker'•"Oh~~ the leach is the salmon's nemesis aye?; we both now that you would appreciate the help against your enemy, perhaps?".

-^I normally would but the quiz is worth 10% of the grade.

Wil•"Mind your own business!, don't you have a date with 'Flame' and 'Return' on the other side of town?.

'Poker'•"They are busy with 'Alien' and 'Sicle'.


Wil•"F#ck of Poker, i have important business with Lackey".

Wil instead of attacking Techno, he attacked Poker while defending himself from Techno.


*Thanks for reaching the end of this episode, i hope you have enjoyed and see you next time!

Strange villain (AU, villain hero vigilante, by Eyereem in Twitter)Where stories live. Discover now