My girl

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Mia pov.

"I love you so much."
She finally said it. I didn't know if it was true before but now I know it is. She loves me. Her words softened my gaze, untensed my muscles, and put butterflies in my stomach. I had to say it back to her,
"I love you so much too."
She smiled with her eyes closed and I walked over to the bed. I picked her up and I noticed her eyes open with shock. She soon closed them again and leaned her head up against my lower chest.
"Shower time?" I asked her.
"Shower time," she replied.
And with that I carried her to the bathroom. I set her down and she stood up on her own with a slight shake in her legs. I turned on the shower, put it in a hot setting and took her by the hand. I pulled her close to me and I pulled her under the warm water. We smiled at each other as we cleaned ourselves and we felt each other's bodies with no hesitation. The shower was long and very enjoyable. When we got out she was faced away from me so I decided to scare her. I grabbed a towel and I snuck up behind her.
"Boo!" I yelled as I wrapped the towel around her from behind.
She turned around and gave me a disappointed look.
"You really thought you got me," she said, shaking her head.
"Aw c'mon it was a good try."
She rolled her eyes playfully as she readjusted her towel. We walked back into my room to retrieve the clothes we had carelessly thrown around the room.
I tried to look away while she changed but I couldn't help myself, she was gorgeous. I looked down at my feet. The wounds now had dried blood over them and I winced and put socks on over them.
I looked over to Vada who was looking worriedly at her phone.
"Something wrong?" I asked, concerned.
She quickly shot her head up to me and began to speak,
"Oh no no it's just Nick. Well I mean we haven't spoken for like I don't know a week or two? And last time we did speak it was a fight."
She looked down and fidgeted with her phone in her hands.
"What did he say?" I said with my eyes widened.
"He told me to come over when I could and that he wanted to talk, I said sure, but I don't have to leave now!" She spoke frantically at the end.
My gaze softened and I said,
"Hey I think you should patch things up as soon as you can. Even if that means leaving now. I have dance class  in an hour anyway."
She smiled and said,
"You're the best."
I smiled and I asked if she needed a ride.
"Nah I'll call an Uber," she replied.
I nodded and I started to get ready for dance. She sat on my bed scrolling through Instagram while I blow dried my hair. I kept glancing over at her. She was so pretty even if she was just sitting there. I barely heard her voice over the loud hair dryer, causing me to turn it off.
She said,
"Hey the Ubers here! Will you walk me to the door?"
"Of course," I said without hesitation.
We walked to the door and I watched her put her shoes on.
"Bye!" I said with a hint of sadness.
She came up close to me and she wrapped her arms around my neck while looking into my eyes. Her next few  words melted me,
"Hey, I love you and have a good time at dance, I'll call you tonight okay?"
I blushed hard and I nodded. She stood on her tippy toes and she planted a soft kiss on my lips. I stood there, very flustered as I watched her open the door.
"Wait Vada!" I said, "I love you too."
She smiled and did a half heart with her hand behind closing the door.
I'm so happy she's finally my girl.

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