Only a Spoonful

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We had made it to the end of the street, about halfway to the Duck-In, before we met our second hurdle. Which of course, included our first hurdle. Two men stood at the corner of the block. The man from earlier, and a tall black man.

"You take another step, and there won't be any more path to step on" The black man said. We stopped.

"Yeah that's right, not even North Star can save you from Chinatown" His stand appeared behind him. An androgynous silver that reflected everything around it.

"Last Surprise, shadow step" Ryan said, Last Surprise appeared behind him briefly before again disappearing. I raised my foot. The blackmans stand, who I'm assuming is Chinatown, lowered his hand, ready to place it on the concrete path. I took a step forward.

The concrete began to tear up the ground, growing in size. I froze time, pushing Jasmine out of the way before moving myself. As time ran again, the concrete blocks grew to the size of a car, height and width, throwing the dirt out as they did. Last Surprise appeared in front of me, but North Star managed to block it. Before he could teleport away, time froze again. Shit! If Last Surprise is attacking me, that means Jasmine is fighting Chinatown. As soon as time unfroze, I had North Star throw me above the concrete. To my surprise, Jasmine was managing to dodge all of Chinatown's attacks. It seems that for what he has in strength, he lacks in speed. The opposite of Last Surprise.

"North Star, target the user!" I yelled. North Star appeared from behind me. But before he could attack the black man, Chinatown punched him into the concrete.

I slowly opened my eyes, me and Jasmine were tied to a sign with large pieces of grass. Which seemed to be Chinatown's ability.

"You might prove to be useful after all, Waru" Ryan said to the other man.

"Oh look, he's awoken"

"Don't even think about activating your stand" Waru threatened.

"Chinatown will enlarge that sign in an instant, there's no way you survive" I looked to my side, Chinatown had his hand on the sign we were tied to.

"Did the boss tell you what to do with them?" Jack asked Waru.

"Nah! Rico prolly' wants em' tho'!"

"And Leon"

"hey" Jassmine whispered to me.


"i think i can untie us" She said.

"if i can just-" She started fiddling around with the enlarged grass that we were tied with.

"Oh my god just-" I interrupted myself by freezing time. And because of how physics work when time is frozen, I easily got out of the 'chains' and stood up before freeing my sister too.

"North Star, kick his ass!" I said, my stand appeared behind me and ran towards Waru. Time unfroze as he threw the first punch.

"Last Surprise!" Jack yelled, sending his stand after Jasmine. But with its scenario based ability, she should be alright. Even if she got hit.

"Chinatown!" Waru yelled, summoning his stand to block North Star's next punch. Their fists collided as they punched. They both stepped back. Chinatown ran his hand along the grass, blinding us as they grew. My head suddenly began hurting. Before I even had time to process it though, North Star came flying back.

"You can keep trying to beat us!" Waru exclaimed, appearing from the large grass, his stand behind him.

"But not even your natural power can keep up with me and Chinatown" He gloated. Chinatown began walking towards us. Natural power? Wha- Oh shit yeah!

"North Star!" I yelled as my stand stood up.

"Polaris!" The world around us froze, and as it did, North Star unleashed a flurry of punches onto Chinatown.

"CUNTACUNTACUNTACUNTACUNTACUNTACUNTACUNTA!" It yelled. Each punch connected with the enemy only as much as it needed to before retracting back for another. My 8 seconds flew by, and Chinatown was sent flying onto the road, cutting through the grass behind it. Waru clutched his stomach in pain, trying not to fall. I turned around to again check on Jasmine, barely managing to see and block Last Surprise's attack.

"Will you just lose already!?" Jack yelled out.

"That stupid fucking stand is too powerful to be wielded by some kid!" North Star grabbed Last Surprise by the neck and slammed it into the ground, causing Jack to fall down in pain.

"You alright?" I asked, looking to Jasmine.

"Yeah, I'm fine" She said, holding her wrist. Suddenly, blue rings shot out from Jack and Waru as they disappeared.

"What the fuck!?" I exclaimed, looking around.

"What happened?" Jasmine asked. I hadn't seen her genuinely confused in a while.

"You think it's another trick?" I asked.

"No" She responded.

"They were both too weak to consider fighting again"

"Yeah, you're welcome" I said.

"Now let's go, the sooner we get there the better" I said.

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