Note To Readers

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Thank you for selecting this book to read. As the author, I would like to address a few things before we get started.



SO this book is a collaboration with LiveDestiny

She approached me with the idea and together we have collaborated to bring forward "Royce" and we're super excited for you to read this and hopefully you'll enjoy it.

Copyright ©️

Obviously this story is a fan fiction and therefore I don't own all  of the characters. Full credits to Lokesh and LiveDestiny

This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author's creativity or have been used fictitiously and are not constructed to be real. Any resemblance to the living or dead is purely coincidental.

Some of the characters may not be ours but this story and its use of fictional characters is mine & LiveDestiny product so rights for that belongs to us.


SO this story is part of the LCU meaning you will see characters from the LCU in this book.

This book will feature an incredibly large ensemble of characters so please don't feel upset if certain characters don't get get a huge amount of attention and focus. The nature of this book means that follow up books can be made with more specific focus on those respective characters so don't fret.

You will also meet a whole array of new characters but we'll post more information about them in upcoming chapters and explain their role etc so if you ever confused, you can refer back.

In terms of content warning this book will feature:

Mental health
Illegal activity

If you are familiar with the LCU you know what to expect.

We'll place appropriate trigger warnings too.

Remember that this is a FICTIONAL STORY WITH FICTIONAL CHARACTERS. Their actions and words may not reflect ours or your beliefs. The authors do NOT condone the actions performed by the characters and should NOT be applied to real life. What happens in a book STAYS in a book.

Also note that English isn't my first language. I can speak English fluently but my writing isn't top notch.

Please note that our intention isn't to hurt the sentiments of any individual, community,profession,caste,belief or religion. We do not intend to portray any individual etc in bad light. We genuinely don't want to offend anyone so if we have written something that offends, please know that it was never intentional. We want to write because we want to make you feel all kinds of emotions but we don't want to hurt anyone in the process of it.



We're students so updates will be inconsistent as school is a priority for me. Updates will range from 2000-5000 words.



Votes and comments are always appreciated and I do reply to comments ASAP.

Remain civil in the comments with no hate comments, healthy criticism is always welcome :)

And most importantly, enjoy!


Next chapters will introduce you to the main characters (few aesthetics)

The chapter after that we'll introduce them more formally.

Then the parts after that will introduce other additional characters + their aesthetics + then a chapter that gives some background information.

See you soon :)

N & @liveDestiny ❤️

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