The Strike Back | 2

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Me, Ishu and Mira are sitting in the balcony as we were waiting for Rudra to come when Mira asks "So what's happening now?".

"We'll have to wait to find out but it's likely that Rudra will be returning to India," Ishu informs.

Mira hums in response. "Is that really a good idea? Especially with Aru getting attacked? Have we got any new information about it?"

"Nothing new.. We can look into it after this problem is over." I shake my head.

"I see, well this is just a pain in the back side.. We already have problems in our European base and now we have one in our home base." Mira reminds us.

"Well whoever is out for us is out for blood. They struck two of our bases in India." I sigh.

"They haven't even seen the start of it," I say. I was seething as well about all this just not to the same degree as Rudra. We had worked so hard for this, especially my brothers and we weren't going to let anyone take that away.

We wouldn't let them win.

"Well if your brothers leave then, that leaves us in charge... It's gonna be fun with just us girls."

"Actually, I want to go as well," I correct, earning me a confused look from Mira.

"Wait, Rudra is OK with that?" she asks.

"Even Dhruv isn't ok with it, they both simultaneously said 'No' through the phone," Ishu says. She wasn't entertaining my idea in the slightest.

"Are you sure you want to go back? We still don't have any updates on the attacker," Mira brings up. Her face was flooded with worry as she reached over and squeezed my shoulder. "I don't want a repeat of last time."

"She's right," Ishu says. "We need to tread carefully and I'm sure it's a problem that Rudra can handle himself."

"You guys are overreacting, I'm fine and I will be fine," I try to assure them. I appreciated their concern but I wasn't a porcelain doll. I grew up in this life, I knew what to expect.

"You were in the hospital for a wee-" Mira begins but I quickly cut her off.

"Shh...Keep it down, Rudra might hear you," I slowly whisper.

Mira mumbles out a small sorry. "I almost forgot that he didn't know."

"Yeah and he's not going to be happy when he finds out," Ishu points out.

"Dhruv said he'll handle it... I appreciate your concern but I want to go back. This empire is ours.. We built together, touching our empire is equivalent to touching our family and no one touches our family and gets away with it. We all swore our loyalty to this and I intend on standing by it. I also want to find out who attacked me."

Mira and Ishu nod in agreement.

"Yeah... Besides, maybe going along with Rudra might be a good idea. Rudra is too impulsive and you and Dhruv are the only ones he listens to.. " Mira says.

"I mean there is someone else he listens to," Ishu points out slyly. "She's tall, hot, pretty eyes and her name starts with 'M' " Ishu says as a cheeky smile forms across her face.

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