Osana's Week

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Osana's week introduces us to some mechanics that may be in the later weeks. Osana is a tricky rival to kill because of her bodyguard best friend. Killing her may also take a toll on Senpais mental health, making him more likely to reject us in the final week.

Rival-specific methods: Osana's long hair can get caught into the fan on the school rooftop where she will be sucked into the fan and be crushed, Osana will come to the rooftop after you leave a note in her locker. Her second method is by tying her hair to a weight and throwing her into the pool

S+ ending elimination: Befriending, with all the effort Yanderedev put into the Osana's stalker and her befriending dialogue- It's likely her elimination will be befriending. 

Suitor: a clubless boy named Kyuji who will watch her sometimes

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