Chapter 1

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Kara flew fast in the sky, trying to find anyone she knew that hasn't gone mad to tell her what the hell was going on; because she was sure whatever it was, it was far away from what should be happening. All she saw was destruction, and abandoned cars on the street. She used her x-ray vision on each building she flew by, but no sign of anyone at all. She used her super hearing, trying to focus to detect any sign of human life, anyone who could give her some answers.

After a while looking, she finally saw some people cautiously walking around a small neighborhood. It was a small number, and they all had a look of fear in their eyes. She landed smoothly and looked for any familiar faces, when she finally saw one.

- Barry Allen! – Kara said as she stared at him, helping a mother with 3 children to carry her groceries.

- Kara? – Barry turned around and looked in shock. He dropped the bag he had in his hand and hugged Kara in a rush – You're alive! I can't believe it!

- Of course I'm alive... And I'm glad I found you... I mean, is it really you, right? – She said as she let go of the hug.

- Yes, it's me. Why?

- I've just had Nate and Zari trying to attack me a few hours ago. What's going on and where is this place? And why did you think I wasn't alive? I'm so confused...

- About that... Just a second

Barry turned to the family he was helping, and gave them some money.

- Here, I hope is enough to help with the medication. If you guys need anything else, you know where to find us.

- Thank you! – The woman said, as he grabbed the bag Barry handed to her and went inside what seemed to be her home.

Barry mentioned for Kara to follow him and they walked a bit away from the village until they reached an old bench and sat down.

- What's the last thing you remember? – He asked her

- I remember Darkseid came in, and a lot of people died and we tried our best to fight him but he had the Anti-Life Equation so we retreated and tried to come up with a new plan... You got hurt and couldn't run back in time, that's when I volunteered to use the Legion Ring and go back in time so we could go after the real Sonny, but we hadn't figured out how to break the Equation inside his mind...

- You used the ring and vanished. That was 2 years ago.

- 2 years? Are we in 2022?

- Yes.

- Oh, Rao!

Kara looked around, feeling lost and confused. Time travel was always a messy thing and could drive one insane, just by trying to understand it. For her, she just found the Legion Ring and used it, hoping she would be able to go back in time before half the team went to 1624, where they thought they would find the Anti-Life Equation, to destroy it before Darkseid could get to it. They found out the Equation was inside Sonny Sumo, a guy that was time displaced, but at the end, it wasn't actually him but Everyman, a guy that could turn into anyone he wanted to. Lex Luthor found the real Sonny and made them believe they won, by putting Everyman in Sonny's place and making them all believe Sara had killed him for good.

- While everyone fought Lex to rescue Sonny, the real Sonny was already with Darkseid. – Barry said as he recalled everything that happened - He got the Equation and came for us right after you left. He brought Lex back to life and they worked together, trying to turn Earth into Apokolips. We fought them, a few of us managed to escape but...

- What? – Kara asked, already waiting for the worst.

- He used the Equation in some of our friends, to make them part of his army and torture us...

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