Valentines day special. (Ena)

205 4 20

TW: None

there will be some cursing from Shepherd. Just a warning.

Sorry if this does come out late hah

FYI for this, you two are dating. :]


Story start:

You woke up early from your phone vibrating. The alarm was going off. You quickly turned off the alarm. Looking at the time, it read '6:30'. You had an hour to prepare before Ena's normal wake up time. Slowly and silently, you got out of the bed and headed to your closet. Once the little gifts were grabbed, you headed to the living room to decorate.

Setting out the gifts on the couch, leaving a space in the middle for her to sit. You covered the area above it with red, pink, and orange streamers. There weren't a lot of gifts, but at least over 5. The gifts contained chocolates and little knick knacks that Ena would seem to like. (FYI, the stuff wasn't wrapped)

7:00 the clock read.

'Alright, I just need to make pancake batter..'

And that is what you did for about 10 minutes. (Idk how long it takes to make the batter :/)

Then you wait for Ena to wake up, wanting to let her just sleep.


Shuffling came from the room. You put down whatever you were doing and headed to her.

"Oh, there you are!" Ena said somewhat groggily. "I woke up and you weren't there, so I felt like I needed to find you and check on you. Well anyways, good morning love!" she said as she gave you a peck on the nose.

"Well I'm glad your awake! Now, I have a little surprise for you in the living room if you may follow me." you revealed as you took her hand and lead her to the living room.

Her face lightened as she saw what you set up in the living room.

You brought her to her 'throne' and she sat down. You sat on the floor because it was comfortable.

"This is definitely not what I expected to see this morning, to say the least... I'm not sure what else to say but thank you!" Ena stated. "Wait here, I have something for you.." and then she walked into the room. "Here!" she says handing you a small box.

You took the box and opened it, revealing a little ring that had your two favourite colors and it was squiggly.

Ena then spoke, "I had made it for you.. I made myself one like it too," She then showed her left hand and a ring on her pinkie finger. (Her left our right)

"Thank you very much Ena.. I love it :D" you say as you put on the ring.

After have opened Ena's gift, you both headed to the kitchen to make breakfast together. You know that she likes making any sort of food with you, so it adds onto her morning.

You two make a few pancakes with some fruit and yogurt on the side. The food was put onto plates and set down at the table. (Insert a different breakfast or different food item if you can't have any of that stuff)

Once you both talked an ate at the table, you put the dishes in the sink.

"Well, did you have any plans for today?" Ena questioned.

"No, I kinda just wanted you to control it :)" You responded.

"Alright then. Well, do you mind if we go to the cafe to grab a drink?"

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