First Day

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So, my Inkitt somehow ended up releasing a week ahead of here.... It wasn't supposed to, but that's what happened, and since I don't want to go through and redo all of the scheduled submission dates, y'all get an extra chapter this week. 

Enjoy my darlings.

Saturday June 1, 2019

A young woman sat outside of a Tudor style mansion in Beverly Hills, her mouth agape, and her hand loosely clutching a cell phone to her ear. "Miss Lee?" said a man's voice on the other end, "Miss Lee are you still there?"

"What?" the woman started, "Oh! Yes, Mr. Kim. I'm still here. I'm sorry, I just pulled up in front of the house. Sir, I thought you said it was small?"

"Well, in comparison with some homes in the area it is," Mr. Kim laughed. "It won't be a problem, will it?"

"No, Sir. I'm sure I'll manage. I'll just have to figure out a schedule."

"I'm sure there won't be much to do. A couple of them are clean freaks, so you'll just be sharing the load a bit, and taking some of the stress off them." Mr. Kim's tone changed from lighthearted to serious as he continued, "Now remember Miss Lee, I'm counting on you. They've been under a lot of stress since the incident in January and I don't want them going into the hospital for high blood pressure. Lord knows Judas and MinHo have come close a few times. I need them fit as can be, mentally and physically, and since they won't manage themselves, I'm intervening. I know you won't be able to have them where we need them by the benefit show in August, but after that they have a long break, and by the time they get on a stage again I want them healthy. Understood?"

"Yes Sir. I won't let you down."

"I'll hold you to that. Now, the binder I gave you has a list of allergies and such, as well as contact information for myself and any other management for Splash. Feel free to contact any of us with questions. You'll be in the office a few days a week to work with Splash employees starting next Monday. That should give you plenty of time to get settled. Have a wonderful week, Miss Lee. Good luck." He hung up before she could answer, and KiRin Lee shrugged and stepped out of her little red beetle and onto the sidewalk.

She was a pretty woman. Fully South Korean, which gave her straight, jet-black hair that just skimmed her shoulders, dark-brown eyes, and a pretty, golden complexion. Her eyes were wider and more doe-like giving her face an innocent appearance when paired with rounded cheeks, a cute button nose, and pouty pink lips that pulled up into a kind smile. While her body was well muscled, with long, elegant limbs, a nicely sized chest, and soft curves to her hips that gave her an hourglass shape.

She had been hired by Splash entertainment as a company councilor and personal assistant of sorts to their biggest act, Round Table. Like all of Splash's groups, they were a created group of South Korean Americans. The company's founder, DeSung Kim, had immigrated to the United States to bring his K-Pop company into the more lucrative western market. Each group had a 'concept' that dictated their actions when on camera or stage and influenced their music in turn. Round Table were meant to be the chivalrous knights, there to be the heroes of every young woman's dream, and wildest fantasies. Each member of Round Table had a stage name matching one of King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table and was assigned a color to make them stand out from the others.

As for the members of Round Table themselves, not much was known about them other than what the company allowed fans to see in behind the scenes YouTube videos. A slip of the tongue here and there told fans nicknames, and little facts like pets that would occasionally appear in videos alongside their owners, but that was the extent. KiRin had been given a binder when she'd signed her contract with the company that contained names she didn't recognize, detailed allergies to certain foods, and a few likes and dislikes to make her job easier, but other than that she was going into this blind. So, with a massive sigh, she pushed open the gate of the six-foot tall wrought iron and stone fence, and walked up the path and porch steps to the ornate, stained-glass and wood front door.

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