chapter 2

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"Go to sleep"

I said insanely to my victim at I stab her neck. Splashing the bloods on the floor and my face. Some are through my lips and licked it. 'This shit taste good' I thought. As I stare the fresh corpse I heard someone barge inside.


It's a teenager boy. Who has the same age as mine. I smirked.

"What....what DID YOU TO MY MOM!?" he cried

"Aww poor little baby got killed his mommy." I teased like he was a child "don't worry. your next"

I laughed like maniac as he ran out. But he didn't realized I was faster that him. I went downstairs. Searching that mf. Where the fuck is he? I swear if I caught i will stab his neck like I did to her mom.

"Come out come out whenever you are~" I teased again. Then I saw a table at the side that have vase on the top. I tip toed.

"Gotcha! Wait what!?"

Holy shit! He wasn't here! Where the hell is he then. I searched the whole living he wasn't fucking there. Then I went through the kitchen find him there. But when I noticed a two feet's under the table I smirked. This is the chance that I could him. But wait. Shit! I have an idea! what if I'll hide for a moment while peeking a bit then wait to get his ass out to that table. Walk through here then gut him. That was amazing! your such a smart killer Jeff! So I waited. Then after two minutes. He get himself off where he was hiding at. He tip toed. Thinking that I was here so that he could escape. But he was wrong. When he closer to entrance of the kitchen. I held the tightly And swing my arm to his gut. Blood came all over to his mouth as fell on the floor but his eyes was still open. I grabbed his hair and dragged him to his room. Then throw him in the bed.

"You know what? You don't have to be alone anymore" I said softly "cause you have your mom in your next life." I chuckled. And I noticed the his emotionless. Why not make him smile right?

"You should smile"

I laughed a bit then I took my knife on the side. Then I sliced his left cheek up to his ear then I did the same thing to right to make sure he was smiling even though his dead.

"Go to sleep" I purr. And jump at the window. Walking like I'm the king after killing them.


I was walking on the road searching some house's with lot's of people's to kill. Then I realized the more I walk the more I feel that someone I following at me. Cause I hear some foots step steps behind me. Then I turn around it was the same man that I saw in the park last night! Holy shit!

"Are you fucking stalking me!? The fuck is your problem huh?!"

One of I hate the most I being stalk by the others. It's not like I'm scared of uncomfortable. It's just annoys me a lot.

Once again he didn't response. Then I had enough.

So I pulled my knife of the pocket of my hood. And raised my hand where i held my knife. I was about to stab him but.. To my surprise he slapped my hand. He's so strong that i accidentally dropped my knife and stared at him with my wide eyes and I was trembling deep inside. Fuck. I couldn't breathe. He slowly raised his head as his emerald green eyes glows.

Those eyes are so familiar. It reminds my brothers green eyes. Then he stepped a bit. And I step backwards. He stepped more. And once again i stepped backwards. Then when he stepped one last time. I just can't take this anymore. Without any word i runned away quickly. I run away as fast as i can. Ok I admit. He's scary as fuck. I don't even want to wait that he'll kill me after everything.


This man throw just me at the floor then he grabbed my hood.


Then he slapped me. Hard and I fell again. He grabbed my hood again.

"I don't even fucking know you why the fuck are you hurting me-"
"Shut your damn mouth. You... You. Killed my family.. You. Took. Everything TO ME!" he groan "WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT! WHY!!"
He yelled

I have lot of bruises cuts around of my body because of him. Yeah. He hurt me.

He chuckled softly. Then he pull his gun and point at me.

"N-no..p-pls don't."
"Say goodbye to your life you fucking asshole."

I was hugging my whole body while I was laying on the floor. I prepared my life to him even though I'm too young for this, yeah I'm 16. still a kid after all.

While I'm ready to die..someone shoot at him..

It was the man that I saw again. Wait. Did he just...  Saved me?

He slowly lower his hand. Approached me. Then he gaved his hand to me. I held his hand as he helped to stand. His messy dark brown hair was covering on his eyes.
Then leave.

And I just realized that. I never heard him speak before. He's just so...


the mysterious man (jeff and liu)Where stories live. Discover now