New Student

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Seokmin's pov.

"Would you stop vibrating!" Kwanie exclaimed at me while keeping his voice low and not getting the teacher's attention. He looks so mad that I keep wiggling my feet making the table move or as he says "vibrate".

"I can't help it! I'm a little panicked" I answered him back as I lowered my head avoiding the attention of the teacher. He glared at me like he was gonna eat me alive. We are currently in the middle of the exam for 1st quarter and this is our last subject so it's very nerve racking for me.

Suddenly I felt a hand on top of mine squeezing it slightly. I looked at the owner of the hand and to no surprise it was Jeonghan my seat mate. He smiled at me and I smiled at his cute gesture. He would keep me relaxed but he himself needs emotional support. Right now he is holding a toy sword which is a little silly but it still suits him.

The teachers were a little skeptical of his little sword but Mr. Cheol finds it adorable so he permits it. We actually think that it is is due to his angelic looks that teachers just let's him do whatever he wants.

"I can see you're heads moving. Move one more time and we'll see what happens" we suddenly heard from our teacher. It was Mr. Cheol, he is really strict in terms of teaching but chill when we are out of school. He gave us both a warning look and we nodded in response also apologizing in advance. Then he continued roaming around the room to check.

We both just look at each other and smiled. We then continued with out tests.

—- After 2 hours —-

"I feel like I'm dying. This was a lot more difficult than our pre tests." We all looked at Kwanie because of his very obvious observation. We all sat at our usual place at the canteen and everyone was beyond exhausted. We just had our exams this morning but we still have classes this afternoon. How toxic is the system right?

"Of course it's difficult. But I think I did just right." Hoshi said from behind. He was a lot smarter than both Kwanie and I so we just rolled our eyes at him. We already know that he can perfect the exams. He's the definition of role model. He arrives on time always, helps the teachers, has perfect A's all the time and even discipline fellow classmates and all. Did I mention that he is an amazing dancer and singer too? I mean how talented can one person be?

"If you get a perfect hundred, you should treat us to lunch." Jeonghan, my bestfriend of 10 years said suddenly while putting his tray down beside me. I immediately got up and straighten my back to make room for him in the table.

"How come you have food already?!?! The line is like 30 mins long." Kwanie complained at him as he saw him munch down on his lunch. Hoshi then got up to get his lunch. As class president, he has connections so it was easy for him to maneuver the crowd. I just wish I have that.

"Don't tell us. Another girl gave you lunch again?!? Damn pretty privileges." Hoshi said and we all shook our heads in jealousy. He is indeed pretty and charming too, if I could describe him, he's very angelic.

"I'm so jealous" I pouted at him and he just giggled. Then he took one of his fries and put it in my mouth to stop me from pouting which made everyone laugh.

"Just eat you're fries and I can share, but only with Soekmin" he said while sticking his tongue at them. And just like that I was hooked again. These are things he do that make's my heart flutter. He really knows how to play his angel face card and it works every time.

Kwanie just rolled his eyes at us and told us that he was going with his boyfriend. Apparently, his long distance boyfriend is coming here from abroad and transferring here next semester.

"You have a boyfriend?" I asked in shock. He always tells me that he has a partner but he never really confirmed it until now.

"Yup! And I'm gonna pick him up and introduce him to all of you since he'll be enrolling in this school. To be with me of course" he boasted. We just processed the new information that was laid before us. He smiled at then said goodbye right away.

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