Netflix and chill (this title is so corny die)

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I'm not even gonna lie yeah I wrote this Because someone told me too and my other unpublished books are kinda boring so 🙁

But yeah anyways

It was 9:57 in the evening and George was in his bed. He was wearing pleated pyjama bottoms and a gray oversized shirt that he got from his boyfriend, Dream.

George was sitting at his desk playing Minecraft when he heard a soft knock on the door and then it opened, at the door there was a tall figure non other than dream.

'Hey,' said dream as he started approaching the brunettes bed, He laid down and started scrolling through twitter.

George spun on his chair, facing dreams direction now, and stared at him. 'What do you want' George mumbled

Dream looked up at his boyfriend 'I'm bored, wanna watch a film?' He replied

Normally dream didn't just enter his room when he's bored, George knew something was up but didn't speak up against he boyfriends strange behaviour.

George walked up to the bed, sat next to dream and turned on his tv. 'What do you want to watch?' George asked.
'I don't know, just put on wild child, that's a good film.' Dream replied

And with that George loaded up Netflix, turned on the movie and they started watching it. Dream wrapped his arms around George having one under the brunettes neck and one across his stomach. His head was resting on his shoulder and he got an idea.

Dream started kissing his boyfriends neck and all of the sudden George let out a slight gasp mixed with a moan
'Dream!' George exclaimed.

Dream let out a laugh and looked up as his boyfriend 'sorry, that was random.' And continued watching the movie.

George was already getting hard, he didn't want to say anything to his boyfriend though. 'I need to go to the bathroom.' George said, excusing himself. Dream mumbled something to himself but George couldn't hear because he walked away so fast.

George entered his bathroom and started pacing around, he didn't know what to do so he grabbed the lube from his cabinet. 'Fuck' he murmured to himself, he squeeze the lube into his hand and took of his pyjama bottoms. He sat on the edge of his bathtub and started slowly  his cock.

While he was trying to sort out his sudden erection dream in the other room was wondering why George was taking so long, he didn't want anything to happen to George so out of instinct he went to check on his boyfriend.

Unlucky for George on the other hand the door was unlocked and dream forgot to knock. So as he entered the door he saw that George was jerking off his dick with tears forming in his eyes due to him fighting back the whimpers and moans.

'OH MY GOD IM SO SORRY' dream exclaimed covering his eyes, obviously by now George was turning a shade of red getting flustered. He quickly pulled up his pants and just grabbed dream pulling them back to bed. The couple laid down avoiding contact from utter embarrassment.

About 20 minutes later the movie finished and they just laid there in silence in the glow of the blue LED lights. Dream spoke up breaking the silence 'I can't believe you got fucking hard from me biting down on your neck' after saying this he let out a wheeze. 'You know you could've just asked me for help.' He said. He shifted closer to the brunette making the pair have barely any space in between each other.
'Shut up!' George laughed out. 'It's not like i was going to just ask you to have sex with me, that would be embarrassing.'

'Why is it all of the sudden embarrassing' dream replied 'you've done it multiple times before' he continued, still giggling. 'But... we can always, pick up where you left off' he said, smirking.
'Oh, oh wow okay.' George said, with his boyfriends sudden remark. 'So.. do you wanna? Like, right now??' He said. All of the sudden he let out a soft groan as dream started palming George's clothed cock.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2023 ⏰

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