Same Way He Left

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Jacks POV

"Silver or gold?" I ask my friend Taylor as we go shopping for rings.

"Gold" she answers politely."And maybe with a bit of silver? I think he'd like that."

"Yea" I murmur my thoughts going somewhere else. I was shopping for the mother freaking ring to propose to the love of my life. The amount of nerves that I had for this moment is unfathomable. And even more than that is the love I have for this boy. We've been dating for a few years, 5 to be exact. I was going to propose last year when we turned 18 but his photography career was taking off. We've been dating since we were 14 and he is my essence. Without him I am nothing, with something that started as a petty crush it has blossomed into so much more. He is beautiful with a sarcastic charm that keeps hanging for more. Without a doubt, he's all I dream about. Love is in understatement in the world of Alexander William Gaskarth. He's beautiful without a sense of arrogance. He can turn bad day into a great one with a suggestive smile and a delicate kiss. There is nothing I wouldn't do for him. My single thought is somehow always linked to him and my greatest moments and my happiest memories and not amiss of his intricate yet joyful smile. His laughter fills the precious seconds and it is my lullaby. Many say we are too young but they don't know. They don't know how vivid my emotions of passion and adoration are for him. They see us as two kids crazy in love but it's just so much more. It's indescribable the way we work together but I wouldn't trade it for the world. And I want to make it forever. Sealed with a kiss and a ring, I want to call him officially mine.

So I'm here in one of the biggest malls buying an engagement ring with and I's punk best friend Taylor. An annoying buzz from my phone brings me back to reality. I unlock then screen to a picture of Lexy and I kissing in a photo both. A smile lights up my face as I check who texted me. Speak of the devil.

My Bub <3: Hey babe, I'm so sorry! There sending in a bunch of new models ans also a new shoot in Brighton. I'll be another month. I'm so so so deperately sorry! I want to be home right now I really do. Miss you, Love You. Skype Tonight? Xoxo

I sigh through my teeth as I close the phone.

"You okay mate?" Taylor asks, sensing my discomfort.

"Yea fine" I brush it off. She sends me a glare saying that she knows I'm lying. "Fine, alex will be another month on top of how long he'll already be away." I admit, sighing.

"Welllll...." she starts to say but I interrupt her. Most of time when Taylor gets an idea it's outrageous, illegal, dangerous or stupid.

"Tayyyyyy..." I warn but it's too late, her mouth is open.

"Why don't you propose to him in England? Go and surprise him. Propose to him under a rose bush or something idiotic and romantic as fuck"

"That" I admit in surprise. "Isn't actually a bad idea"

"Of course it isn't" she boasts and flicks her hair. "I came up with it." I smirk and roll my eyes her, diverting my gaze to a shop window. I gasp in delight and my eyes lay rest on a gold ring, with a thin silver wire wrapped around it, making it elegant but simple..

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2015 ⏰

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