Chapter 10

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Hellllloooo! I promised an early chapter, so here it is! (only slightly early thou, te hehe)

However, this one is from a slightly different.... perspective. 

This is more of a bridging chapter to Chapter 11. But I hope you enjoy!


"Where do you two think you're going?" Shouted a gentle voice from behind the duo. 


"It's been dayss!"

"Please mommmm?"

Emma, still tightly gripping onto Will's hand, released it a bit to turn back to Elizabeth with wide puppy eyes, shining with innocence. 

"Em, you know Will is still recovering from his...accident...with your father." Elizabeth walked over to the kids and placed a hand on Will's shoulder, pulling Emma closer.

"But it's been, like, a month! He's better now! Right, Will???" Emma stated. Her brother, nodding  eagerly in approval. "You can't grudge against Father forever..."

Elizabeth turned her gaze away and sighed. "Kids, I don't mean to come off that way. I only want to protect you."

"But I can protect myself! Look, mum!" William pulled down the collar of his shirt a bit to reveal a nasty-looking scar from his own father. Elizabeth cringed a bit at sight of the scar, pulling back up Will's shirt collar. 

Don't remind me... Izzy thought half-heartedly. 

"...Alright, alright. You two can go out. But if anything  goes wrong, I am bringing you both back in immediately. Alright?"

In a flurry of excitement, Emma didn't even stay to hear the rest of her mothers sentence, dragging William out the palace doors. Elizabeth watched the two kids with a small smile until they disappeared into the garden. Only then did she turn around. To a familiar face.

"Oh. Hello Techno."

It wasn't just  Technoblade either, wasn't it? Beside him stood the obsidian-winged Elytrian, eyes carefully trained on Elizabeth. 

"Hey, Izzy. Long time no see..!" Technoblade said, a hint of guilt in his tone only to be quickly followed by a confident grin. 

"Mhm." Elizabeth scanned the two boys. They looked... prepared. Guarded. Ready to go off and have fun, or something along those lines, at least.

"...Where are you two going off to?" She asked.

"Out. Just a good ol' father son hunting trip!" Philza responded, playfully ruffling Technoblade's pink hair, who in response swatted at Phil with an embarrassed growl. 

Izzy stared at the men for a moment before her gaze fully rested on Technoblade.

He looked disoriented. Like there was something inside of him, unreadable. Annoyance? Hardship? Guilt? Sadness? Izzy shook off the thoughts quickly. This was Techno. Techno didn't show those things. Except for the annoyance part, of course. 

That. That's what it must be. But why is he annoyed?

Elizabeth's thoughts were interrupted when Techno spoke up. 

"So. Uh, in case it wasn't... self explanatory, Izzy, you'll be in charge until we return. Try not to burn the kingdom to the ground." Techno said with a teasing tone and a close-lipped smile. 

"Tsk. I'm not that irresponsible. More responsible than you sometimes, of course." Izzy retorted to the venom-less comment. 

Before Phil could even open his mouth to reprimand Elizabeth, Techno was already speaking. The kings crimson eyes emitted an eerie red glow, his hands curling in and out of fists.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2023 ⏰

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