ch 3; And that's how I met him

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Many months later at Ibuki's house.
"... And that's how I met your father" Ibuki proudly told Louis when they sat in the kitchen on opposite sides of the table.
For a long while Louis had been very uncomfortable from hearing Ibuki's story how he started dating his father.
And despite Ibuki didn't mentioned the details around the sex part, it still made his ears to bleed. And the remaining color on the face to vanish.
Why did he asked him in first place?! He shouldn't been curious and ask him... Now the awful image would forever burn in his mind... Traumatizing him more than everything else has done in his life...
"DAD!!!" He burts out in protest while the cheeks get a red shade of color on them.
The deer stood up from the chair who creaks loudly from the sudden movements.

The lion grunts asking, and looks up at his 'son' who moved into his house the moment when he'd dropped out as the boss to the shishigumi.
The young deer looks bothered away.
"... I don't wanna know if you and father have-... S-sex... T-that's unnatural..." he swallows hardly with lowered ears.
Ibuki let's out a low chuckle.
" ... Sorry Louis- ...  I couldn't stop rambling when I started talking about the time where I fell in love with your father..."
The deer pouts few seconds, until he looks at the lion with a side-look.
"... My boyfriend is coming over today-... You don't mind him staying over the weekend?"
Ibuki smiles widely, and shakes the head.
" Of course not-... And talking about boyfriend... Oguma is planning to drop by... You don't mind we are occupying the living room?"

Louis stiffened where he inhales sharply.
Does he really needs seeing them together, shortly after such story?!
The deer looks nervously at his dad who drinks coffee.
"... I-... Don't... But please... Don't do... Anything... Ehm W-weird..." he swallows hardly, and couldn't get himself to mention the word 'sex' again. At least not when it's surrounding those two.

At first Ibuki didn't understood what Louis was hinting about... But then he choked on the coffee, and lowered the cup down where he carefully placed it on the table while coughing.
The lion blushes while he shakes the head.
"What?!-... No!-... Don't worry... We aren't young animals anymore... So-... You have nothing to worry about!" He protests.
And even if they got the lust, they wouldn't have sex in the living room. Especially not when Louis is around.

Louis looks doubtfully at him, but decided to drop the subject.
He sighs.
" Thanks-..." he mumbles.
Then he smiles.
"... I'm happy though- ... You two finding happiness... I know I wasn't very eager when I first found out... But-... I am happy you have each others... And I wish you a good future" he tells Ibuki.
The lion smiles back at him.
" Thank you Louis- ... It really means a lot hearing that from you... And I also hope you will get a good future with your loved one..."

The doorbell rings, and interrupted them.
The deer jolts, where he starts moving toward the hallway.
" I can open the door..." he volunteered, and starts walking pretty stable despite the amputated leg.

Louis unlocks the door, and opened the door where he could see his father.
" F-father-..." he swallows hardly while the eyebrow twitches from getting reminded of the story Ibuki told him.
The older buck looks down at him with a neutral face.
"...Good afternoon Louis-... It's nice seeing you again, how are you feeling lately?" He asks friendly, and does his best to be more relaxed and opened when it came to his son.
The younger deer glares accusing at him, and scoffs.
" It was good!-..." he answers with a bit higher voice.
Oguma raises an eyebrow.
The other deer shakes the head.
"... Until my 'dad' got awkward, and told me how you two ended up... And I can't believe it was my fault you started dating!!!..." he growls. Not like he cared anymore that, they were dating... He was only embarrassed over the story...

Oguma stares in silence at Louis, not sure if the young buck was complaining over them dating... Or that Ibuki told him about their love story...
A few seconds later, Oguma decided Louis was upset over hearing the story... And not 'Cause of they are dating.
"... I apologize in the behalf of your dad-... Speaking about him... Where can I find Ibuki?"
Louis stopped complaining, and shrugs.
"... In the kitchen-... So, you can talk with him, and I will leave you two alone..." he smiles, and walks aside so Oguma could enter.
The older buck nods.
" Thank you Louis-... But you don't need staying away for our sake..." he tells him while entering the house, where Ibuki soon came around the corner.
Louis shrugs.

When Ibuki sees Oguma, he brights happily up. Even though he already knew by the scent and the voice who had came.
" Oh?-... You are already here... I must have lost track of time~" he chuckles, where he starts purring more and more the closer he gets the buck.
The two animals embraces each others, where they start kissing.

Seeing them kissing each others, makes Louis' stomach to twist until it feels as a knot.
The young deer furrows the eyebrows bothered, and starts backing out from the hallway.
"... I-... I will stay in my... -Room... If you need me... Otherwise... Don't let me bother you..." he swallows hardly, and didn't get any respond from the couple who makes out with the door still opened.
Louis grunts in low voice, and rolls the eyes where he turns around and walks up through the stairs to reach his room.


Ibuki moans softly during the kiss, and breaks apart where he giddy look at the other.
Oguma smiles, and takes a deep breath.
Then he closes the door, and looks asking at the lion.
"... Well?-... What exactly did you told Louis about us?" He raises an eyebrow, and walked out from his shoes.
Ibuki smiles shyly.
"... I told him-... How I got surprised from seeing a handsome deer, the day where he wanted you to sign a paper to drop out from school... And how I couldn't get you out from my mind..." he explains, and is eyeing the deer who despite the warm weather is dressed in a shirt, and a formal jacket. Which looks smoking hot on him... But wouldn't that be way too warm to wear?
Okay-... Ibuki is also dressed in a white shirt... But he doesn't wear a jacket today. Instead the buttons around the neck are unbuttoned, and a few strands of hair from the mane are peeking out there.

Oguma smirks.
"Oh?-..." he says, and presses his body against the lion's, with the hands on the opened collar.
"... Did you saw a handsome deer back then?-... It's funny... 'Cause, I saw a handsome lion I couldn't get out of my mind either..." he flirts.

Ibuki starts blushing wildly.
"... And T-then I told him... How I couldn't stay away from you... A-and stalked outside your building... And how I tried to lit my cigarette in the rain-..."
Oguma snickers.
" And how the same deer approached you, and helped you with the lighter... Not only that-... How he invited the handsome lion for a cup coffee..."
Ibuki nods.
"... Right-... And how the deer then couldn't keep his hands away from the other... And one thing lead to another... And in the end, the deer asked the lion out on a date..." he says with the eyes gazing into Oguma's eyes.
The buck let's out a short laugh.
" Oh my?!-... Don't tell me you felt harassed that day?"
Ibuki shakes the head.
"No-... That would be ridiculous... Since I harassed you first by stalking you..." he protests with a shy laugh.
Oguma starts tilting the head a little to the side while moving the head closer toward Ibuki's.
"... I'm glad you did though- ... Otherwise we wouldn't be here now..." he says, and starts kissing him again.
Ibuki's heart skips a beat, and then increased its heartbeats.
The lion kisses back, and starts tugging on the other's clothes... Maybe they should wait with occupying the living room?!...
Perhaps they should talk in the bedroom for a while... At least until the blood wasn't dropped to the lower parts~

The two lustful animals breaks apart with low panting.
" I love you Oguma-... I'm so happy of having you and Louis as my family ... Hopefully one day we can get married, and live happily together under the same roof..."
The buck smiles fondly at him.
" ... And I love you Ibuki-... And don't worry, I'm still working with getting us married legally... I'm about half through the paper work to get us approved... So, one day... One day you will be mine~"
The lion smiles widely.
" And you will be mine~" he purrs, and loves the thought of them being husband- and husband.
Despite they haven't had an official engagement yet-... They would get there... As soon the future marriage got approved.
The two animals kissed each again for a short while... Then they walked over to Ibuki's bedroom to continue there instead...

The end

How I met your father- oguma × Ibuki Where stories live. Discover now