chapter 14: wrong love

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Lasa's prov:
I wonder who that boy was he seems familiar but I'm sure I never met him.I stood up and waited for the only person I did know my master.My master came to get me a bit after I woke up told me I was a vampire and that my parents abandoned me.I was sad but happy because I got a great man as my master."Master what am I going to be doing?"I asked my master."Lasa I have a special plan for you how about we take revenge on all the vampires that ever hatted you?"My master asked with a toughtful grin.My master is such a good person I nodded my head and he gave me a bow and arrows and a dagger."You can go now lasa go take revenge on the people that didn't love you"He said and opened the cage. I steped out and hugged my master "thank you master!"I then ran to the exit and went outside.I looked around a little at the nice place before focusing on my task killing every single vampire! I ran around and after a while found some vampires in the forest. I took out my bow and a arrow and aimed it at one of their heads I shot the arrow it flew straight through the first vampire's head and got stuck deep in the throat of the other vampire."Yes!!"

siru's prov:

Poor lasa why did I do that I'm so stupid to have gotten caught. Mataku came up to my cell and smiled "I feel so sorry that you can't see Lasa killing all the vampires including her parents"My ears lifted you very swiftly and Mataku smiled.Only moments after did I realise that I wasn't ment to feel any emotion.My ears droped and I mentally face palmed myself. "Well well I see someone's managed to get his head together now this makes things more interesting" mataku said with a evil smirk in his face.Then the most unreal thing happened mataku opened the cage door.I didn't move not knowing if it was a trap. "Oh come on I'm trying to be generous here go on go find her a try and stop her" mataku said a frown covering most of his face.I slowly got up and walked towards the cage door keeping my eyes on mataku.I walked passed the door and stood outside the cage I pinched myself to make sure it wasn't a dream and it isn't.I Looked at mataku in surprise and disbelief. He only smiled and said "well go on," I looked at the exit on the other end of the hall. I ran as fast as I could and bashed through the door finally I was outside. No tricks I'm actually outside. Now to find lasa and stop her before she regrets her life. I Sprint of off into the wood to look for her.

Lasa's prov:
I so far have killed 20 vampires in the past 5 minutes. It feels good to kill the traitors. Now to hunt down every vampire and my parents. I jumped up onto a tree and so on. While I was jumping I spotted a blonde haired man strapped to a wooden wall there were two vampire guards guarding him. He must be a killer or a mass offender that could prove useful. I quietly jumped down from the tree and went to the side of the wall. "I can't believe this guy was foolish enough to attack the royal vampires daughter" one of them said I shot one of my arrows into the tree trunk in front of them. They turned around and ran my direction I grabbed my dagger and as they walked passed I sliced their heads off. I walked to the front of the wall and looked at the guy strapped to it his blonde hair was stained with blood being honest he is cute. " Ehem hello?" I said and the man looked up at me "lasa?" He said in a low and raspy voice "Do I know you?" I asked trailing back into my mind but no answer." Yes but it seems you don't remember that we are lovers" he said. I have a lover I see why he is quite cute." I'm so sorry can I ask your name darling" I asked at least want to know his name "Its yuie and I love you lasa". He said in a soft voice I took my dagger and cut the straps. He fell on top of me and looked me in the eyes " I'm was surprised that you didn't remember me until now" yuie said and seconds after kissed me "mmm!" I at first yelped in protest but my screams soon turned to moans.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I am so sorry for being gone so long I am currently on holidays but I will try my best to update my books p.s I will be making a story where you are the main character isn't this gonna be fun can't wait well for now rest in peices XD

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