Would You do it all over again?

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Did you regret it ?

Did you regret it ?

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New York for some is a strange place.

Ever wondered why things happened? how they came to be?

(so many questions but so little answers)

Heros, Villains, Anti-Heros- you name it, New York had it all, it was a push for the intrigued.

(it was not for the weak)

But did You ever think that was all they showed you?

The Scary
The Bad
The Cruel

What about the good parts of New York?

(the sunny days)


1       INT.   New York , DAY                                                             1
(Not too far from Douge's Apartment)
TIME: 3:00 a.m

There she goes, swinging from the high tower building into her apartment window the ice behind her evident in the air.

And here he comes swinging right behind her.

(oh the games they played, the times they had)

Peter: "Y'know" *pants* "You swing way too fast Dougie"

Douge: "Or maybe you just need to catch up Parker, c'mon speed it up"

Peter: "You say that as if we havent been racing for hours, and i honestly feel these taco bags slipping right about now"

Douge: "You would definitely wouldn't be saying that if you were winning, and dont drop those tacos dude! I spent actual money on those."

Peter: "You seriously seem like you have no real problems"


finally in the apartment the two friends sat, eating their now lukewarm tacos they were content, with the world, their lives, everything.

And even if they were childish, boring or bland they were the sunny parts of a gloomy world, the moon to each's sun, the light to the other's darkness, they were what the world needed.

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