the villain

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Heroes and Villains au:

Azura was talking to the hero Oxeye and blue when they hear Eliza saying there was a fire.

"NO THERE'S A F^ FIRE" Azura yelled into the com-link.

"send your location" Blue or Anna calmly said.

"THERES PEOPLE HERE TOO" Azura screamed while sending the location. The location was the bunker that Oxeye or Coco, Blue, Faded and jay blue's brother were all staying at trying to fight the on-going war.

"on my way" Oxeye confirmed that she was coming to help.

Azura rushed their dear sister Eliza outside and went back inside to put out the fire.

"there's people here probably heroes" Azura whispered into their com-link while putting out the fire.

Azura was gifted the ability to use music for magic. People called the ability Bard magic. Azura was also gifted with the ability to hear for miles away and could control how far they could hear. To stop the fire and keep the heroes now raiding the building away they used their bard magic.

"A little help here!" Azura screamed out to Coco and Anna. Azure had heard them arrive to the bunker.

"AZ WHAT THE F^ HAPPENED?!"Anna yelled and questioned at the same time into their com-link.

"HEROES ARE RAIDING THE BUILDING" Azura yelled back into the com-link. You see Azura villain name Rin was one of the most wanted Villains.

"heroes?" Blue questioned through the com-link.

"YES OR MAYBE OTHER VILLAINS I DON'T KNOW'' Rin panicked trying to keep the heroes or villains away as they put out the fire.

"If its heroes we can't help you" Oxeye said into the com-link.

"Why not!?" Rin knew what was going to happen.

"If we get caught working with you here, that's our jobs, everything I've worked for...gone!"Oxeye said. It angered Rin but it also broke Rin.

"They can't know we're working with you Az" Blue added on.

"Right, the job before a friend" Rin chuckled sadly. Rin had already considered them family.

"since when were we friends-" Oxeye asked.

"since we stopped- are you why this is happening?" Rin accused. RIn knew Coco didn't like Rin that much but Rin did think they've grown to be friends.

"What? No-" Oxeye answer. Rin already backed up into a corner out of breath from playing the flute. The flute was one of Rin's weapons. The flute helped Rin with their bard magic.

At this point Rin gave up. Rin threw away their com-link whispering.

"why didn't I see this coming "

Rin kept a shield up around them to keep them from burning even though they already had third degree burns. Someone was there it was Jay hero name Volt. Jay was the number to hero in his city but had came to help fight the war. Jay was standing next to the shield.

"Jay i put my trust into you! How could you do this." Rin had lost all emotion already but they still looked to Jay.

Jay doesn't dare to meet Rin eyes"You haven't changed. You act like you're trying to save the world, but in the end you'll just destroy the little good that's left. My sister trusts you."

He scoffs and shakes his head. "That's a mistake. I won't let you fuck things up even more."

"I miss the guy you were. you were so humorous and likable back in high school. I used to wonder why wasn't I like you?" Rin respond, remembering all the time Rin would see jay back in high school. At the time Azura was trying to become a hero so they attended hero school.

"but on I'm just a heartless monster trying to corrupt your sister"Rin added on but Jay stayed silent and avoided Rin eyes. Rin smiled sadly, trying not to cry. Rin got tired of being there so they got up and played a tune on the flute. The flute the shield bigger and it pushed away Jay.

Jay groans and says "You just won't give up huh?"

"I have a family too you know. I have to protect them" Rin stated.

"I'm not going to kill you. Unless you give me a reason to of course. Your family won't need to be protected after this." Jay respond.

Rin scoffs and says "you fucking heroes are the reason they need to be protected"

"and why is that?" Jay questioned.

"You wouldn't understand. You don't know where we come from nor our past" Rin didn't want to explain. Explaining brought pain to their heart.

''Well how do you expect me to understand if you won't tell me?" Jay said with a hint of sarcasm.

"best way I think to explain it is being a pawn with no use but to kill is a good way to explain the past of my family" Rin tried explaining without giving too much information.

"And heroes did that to you?" Jay asked getting curious.

"not heroes just a hero" Rin corrected.

"then why hold it against all heroes?"Jay asked another question. Rin was getting annoyed of all the questions. Rin's eyes soften a bit hearing coco's voice through their comm-link that was bay jay's feet.

"everyone in my family has told me never trust heroes with your life and I did multiple time. This time I might die because of it" Rin answered as calmly as they could.

"You aren't going to die Rin. I wouldn't do that. Y'know it might shock you, but I have morals. They may not align with yours, but they exist." Jay said. Rin knew though they just knew. Around them the flames got smaller very slowly.

"but you would if it came down to it." Rin counteracted.

"Anybody would if it came down to it. You can't blame me for that." Jay acknowledged.

"I left your city alone and came to this one so I didn't have to see you again because seeing a past classmate hurt because of me hurts a lot hell even seen Anna and coco hurt makes me feel like" Rin trails off. The pain was real each time they fought Anna or coco.

"I didn't come here to take you down. I didn't chase after you when you left. You were classified as a major villain in that city. And I just let you go. Do you know why I did that? Because I thought you were changing. I thought you were going to stop. But you didn't. You kept burning and hurting. All in the name of protecting your family."Jay countered.

"then why are you here?" Rin questioned. The shield breaks because Rin got too tired of holding the shield up. Jay clenches his fist.

"for my sister. To protect my family" Jay answered.

"then protect them I'm not stopping you" Rin said not knowing they had accidentally cut him off.

"from you." Jay said in a mean tone. Rin froze up. The flames were about gone around this time.

"what do you mean Anna could leave at anytime" Rin didn't understand. Why from them?

"She trusts you, and she's been working with you for some time now. You all have been trying to take down a common enemy. But once that enemy is gone, everything will go back to how it was. She has too much faith in you. She really thinks that you'll change your ways. But you won't. I'm not going to let them learn that the hard way." Jay explained.

"Its war Jay of course we have to work together. She really thinks I can change. I'm too far gone''Rin said a bit to calmly.

"Now that's something we can agree on. I'm just trying to protect my sister before it's too late."Jay said like the overprotective brother he is.

"your sister is a hero she can very much protect herself" Rin knew Anna could protect her self, Rin seen it before but jay just shook his head.

"I wish she could..."

"she can. She's shown it too but sometimes she over does it" Rin smiles and walks over to window.

MY ONESHOTS BC WHY NOT HAHAHAHAHAWhere stories live. Discover now