Prologue: The Rise Of Arcania

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It is a dark, stormy night in the Sandwing kingdom. Nobody is seen outside, to stay safe from the storm.

A single Nightwing suddenly appears, speeding stealthily through the sand. Treasure in their talons, they finally make it out safely.


All the queens call their tribes. They had heard the news. "The Sandwing treasure has been stolen. All of it. Again. The thief is a Twilightwing, impersonating a Nightwing, from Arcania. They have threatened to use it against us if we don't cooperate. However, you know how Twilightwings are, so loud with their prophecies, at least to queens. They let us all hear.

'The starry scales awaits you at

the place you would expect it last

the black ocean will find its way to you

The scales of hope

will lead them both

to where the treasure lies'"

The queens suddenly stop talking. "You can return to your homes now."

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Feb 13, 2023 ⏰

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