i still love you {creek}

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Dear tweek

Hey hun how are you doing? I really hope you're okay. Guess what? I got the job I always wanted. I've been working on a drawing for you. I really hope you like it. I know how much you loved Stripe, so I drew him in it, too. I really miss you hun i love you so much, and my parents keep arguing it's really stressful. I'm just glad that I can ignore it. I sometimes feel like you're watching over me it makes me smile. I really want to hold you again, my love, but I can't every night, I think of you in my arms, your soft hair, your smooth skin, your emerald green eye and your soft lips I almost cried while writing that today I got my test grades back and I'm graduating school!!,I'm hoping to move out soon. My mum says I'm a failure, but I don't believe her anymore. I hope I will meet you soon. I love you so so so so so so so so much

                  Love craig tweak <3

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