first meet.

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In an alley behind a flower shop, lays a gray alley cat. He sleeps under a makeshift home, one that may have been made in an attempt to stay dry, to be safe. The cat slept, even when shouting was heard. when shouting is heard its best to go, and maybe that's why even if he still lay still he becomes more aware. the shouting got louder in till the back door of the flower shop slammed open, and out came a heavy thud.

now this alone woke the cat, and in his sleep driven haze, he mistook the thud to be a trash bag, as the shadow that came off it from the lights inside made it rounder, the lights contrasted the street light, making even fuzzier. and that would be his first mistake. when the thing landed, out came a distinctively male voice shrieking "Freak!" now that definitely got the cat to wake, to wait, to pause for the situation to fall out he didn't have to wait long, as soon after that the sound of a 'ting' resound in the alley, as if a metal pin fell to the ground after be tossed. Being discarded.

Now the cat was fully aware. As he had not been woken up by screaming and what sounded like a fight was one thing, No. But now what, no, whoever was kicked out was now in his home, his safe place now, he woke. So he grabbed his pocket knife from his bag, the one he had on just previously been leaning on to rest, and looked out from behind his dumpster. What he saw may have surprised him, and not in a good way. As he saw a bear. Not any bear, no, one that seemed like him, one that was like him, one that seemed to have been found out by their employer, one that has been discriminated against, like he had in the past, to be kicked out from somewhere, even when a truce had been put out between hybrids and humans, humans were always going to be hateful, especially to ones different then them.

And especially the ones that found out you "lied" to them, pretend to be like them. To forcefully be found out is the worst thing that could happen, because a hateful human, is a violent human. So the cat finally took note of what the bear looked like, to check for injury. The bear seemed to be shaken, wearing torn clothing, almost like the clothing was ment to fit someone smaller, more "normal". The bear was fluffier then the stray, but not as fluffy as when the cat was younger, when the cat didn't have to worry about where he could live or if he would be able to sleep.

The bear had a crestfallen expression, one that seemed to be filled with regret and sorrow, as if they should've tried harder, been better at hiding who they were. When the cat finally noticed how defeated they looked with the street lights hitting them, illuminating them, making his face look soft -And that was a feat in its own, to look worse for wear then the one with a missing eye, half of one ear, and the other clipped-.

He finally came out from his dumpster, and stood, to make himself taller, in case the intruder was some one that would hurt him. He needed to be aware, even if he knew he would not win the fight, he needed to ho down kicking and screaming, so maybe someone would take pity when they found his decaying body to think "They went down with a fight, their family would be proud" to maybe leave one of the many dead flowers on top of him and leave him for the rats.

Maybe they wouldn't think he was weak. They would see his defeat not in disappointment, but in honor, that he lasted this long, that even when he knew he would lose, he still fought.

He grabbed his knife harder, pointing it at the bear, and with with what he hoped was a commanding voice he said "Who are yo-" only to be cut off by the one he held at knife point, the bears expression showed happiness and perhaps, relief? The bear proceeded to go on a unintelligible rant, one that the cat could not decipher.

So the cat ran to the bear -something that definitely scared the bear- and covered their now shocked closed mouth with his paw, forcing then to stop speaking, he then placed his knife, now fully open to the bears neck. And said with a very, definitely not shaky voice "Be quiet! The owner hasn't found me out this long, and I don't wish for it to be anytime soon! So when I remove my hand, will you stay silent?" the bear hesitantly nodded after a brief silence, the cat softy smiled, one that spelt relief, and slowly removed his hand. "Good." He said, the bear soon said "My names Asa, she/they" almost as if forgetting the cat had just threatened their life, and still is. Not having put the knife down, and just had said to stay silent, it seemed like Asa almost wanted to be hurt.

But the cat had yet to act on violence, only threatening her, so they must of assumed he would do nothing. She would be correct of course, as he was still scared of them, but she didn't know that.

"Vincent, he/him" Vincent responded quietly, removing the knife in reluctance, not want to be be hurt after threatening someone with unknown prowess and height. He stood straight pretending to dust dirt of his mud covered pants, hand catching on a loose thread. Vincent then offered the bear his hand, almost like a apology.

Though the bear understood, slightly, to have your home invaded suddenly by someone bigger then you, after seeing them experience a bad event, can be nerve racking. So even though being threatened mere minutes ago, she grabbed his had and stood. They stood a good few inches to Vincent, it wasn't that bad of a height difference, but one that from a distance it may look like Asa had a foot on Vincent.

Vincent stepped back from the bear, as when she stood she quickly got in his personal space. To distract from the now awkward moment between the two hybrids, he said "So, that yours?" Pointing at the small half sunflower brooch lying on the groud, looking as though someone had laid it in the sun itself, and not in a dirty alley with harsh light lighting it up.

"Oh! Yes it is! Mr. J must of thrown it..." Her voice tampered off at the end, most likely reviewing her memory of the events leading to the meet up of these two. A frown now laying on her face and she crouched to grab the pin. They soon put the brooch on their apron, adjusting it to make it look better, soon also undoing the bow keeping the apron in place, allowing the ribbon to fit their body better then it cutting off circulation. They raised themselves off the ground, dusting herself off just like the cat had done not even 10 minutes before.

Vincent started speaking "so,,,, you should go huh?"

Asa looked at him in surprise, as if he wanted her to stay, to stay in his residence of a well built shelter. He started to slightly push her out of the alley, herding her toward the mouth, kicking a can out of the way she quickly turned back around and said "Wait! Do you want to meet once more?" She pleaded, as this was her only chance to meet someone like her, someone from the looks of it, didn't hide who he was.

"...No." He responded, almost surprised at her wanting to stay with him, the one who had just almost harmed her. Her face fell once again, it almost hurt the cat to see someone so sad to leave him alone, be he didn't relent. It would be pointless to keep Asa around, as she would simply get hurt. They all do.

Hey yall, trying to write again haha, but yeah, hope this was good! As i haven't written a story in ages

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