Test Story #1

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  The lights shone brightly, revealing a buzzing stadium. The crowd threw their hands up, showing their ecstatic excitement and enthusiasm. The audience screamed and cheered at the top of their lungs as players could be witnessed taking a step towards the wide, enormous grass field. Smiles and proudness appeared on the face of the challengers as their confidence occupied them with desire for victory. A strict referee stood in the middle of the field, making sure that all manner of things went well. The fans squeaked in exhilaration as their favourite players coincidentally made eye contact with them. The cheerleaders danced frenetically to support their preferred teams. The audience sit tightly in their seats, waiting patiently for the finals to begin. As the dark clouds faded away and revealed the illuminated face of the full moon that gleamed the night sky, the referee started blowing the whistle and kicked the football high up in the air. The rumbling of the players that were chasing the ball increased the audience's wild exuberance.

  As the match began, the audience shouted with full volume, motivating the players. The player with the ball sprinted as fast as he could. As more players from the enemy team dashed towards him, he hastily passed the ball his teammate. The match went on and became more intense by each second. The field began to heat up with fiery flames as both teams put in their best effort to score a goal. The feeling of anxiousness arose in the crowd as there were players struggling and falling. A penalty kick became the decision for one of the teams to score the goal. The player's worriedness escalated as the teams formed a row, trying to gain the ball. The goalkeeper readily guarded the goal post in his firm position. The player let out a deep breath and kicked the ball high. The goalkeeper made contact with the ball but it was deflected by his hand. And thus, came a breathtaking goal. One side of the crowd was filled with contentment as their favourite team finally scored a challenging goal, whilst the other side of the crowd was filled with disappointment and concern. A smile had emerged on the player's face as the audience joyously cheered for him.

  The match continued on as the entire stadium was filled with ebullience. The enemy team became immensely enraged and more focused. As the player with the ball tried to evade the enemy team, a player dribbled the ball away from him and successfully gained the ball. The player from the enemy team precisely passed the ball to his teammates whenever there was an opportunity. As he ran up in front of the goal, his teammate passed the ball back to him. He meticulously aimed at the goal post and made a spectacular goal. The disappointed crowd turned into felicity as their favourite team finally tied with the other team. The player that scored the marvelous goal let out a sigh of relief, but he knew that the match wasn't over yet.

  More than an hour had passed, and the match was almost coming to an end. The crowd's anxiousness and excitement increased as the final minute approached. Both teams had the same points and were putting in their greatest effort to score a tiebreaker even though they were exhausted. A player kicked the ball high up in the air as his teammates sprinted hurriedly in order to obtain the ball. The opposing team tried to go for the ball but their speed was outmatched by the passing of the other team. Another injury was followed up by a penalty kick that would decide the fate between the two rival teams. Filled with determination and confidence, the player kicked the ball as hard as he could and shot at an almost impossible angle, sealing the fate of the opposing team and finally ended the fierce and extraordinary match.

  The audience yelled and cried in merriment and delectation after they had witnessed the greatest match in the history of football. The victorious team held their feeling of jubilation on their faces, knowing that their dreams of winning a football tournament finally became a reality. They hugged each other with tears of joy. The defeated team approached them and gave them an honorable and respectful handshake as a sign to congratulate them. The team leader stepped up the stage and received the trophy with honor and gratitude.

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