Test Story #2

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Note: This is a placeholder for one of my future MLP fanfictions. It will most likely be changed or completely scrapped. Dialogues will arrive in the full version.

  It has been a few moons since the cancellation of the school prom was announced. The prom that was supposedly held on that night with a beautiful, astral, celestial night sky painted with countless of lustrous stars. Most of the students had their own prom partner respectively, and so did I. That night could've been the best night I've ever had, but it turned into a tragic and dreadful incident out of the blue. That incident still haunted my mind as a detrimental and poignant memory that I could never seem to exorcize.

  Weeks bolted by like flashes of lightning since my first day of school, and the day of the prom had stepped in the pathway of its standard week of inescapable boredom as class periods took over for almost the entire week, giving myself nothing but barely sufferable assignments. Just a dainty amount of hours before the prom, I felt a bit downhearted as the coin flipped in my mind with neither heads or tails, I couldn't decide any student to be my prom partner. I could only survey the uncountable amount of students roaming around the seemingly endless hallway, chattering and whispering among themselves, blithely laughing with each other. As I was at the tails of the coin of going alone to the prom, the scintillating sunshine disseminated on a certain mare that passed by. She had a pair of eyes that glistened radiantly as blue as the ocean, her blonde mane as majestic as jewellery swayed itself in the gust of breeze, and her pale grey skin was as gloomy as the night clouds. Her glasses casually glared under the deflection of the sunlight. She had a pair of broad, fluffy wings and a long honed horn on her head, whilst I only had a sharp-edged horn and it was a little shorter than hers. Heh, I guess she was one of the few ponies that were born to be an alicorn, eh? Seeing one was already fortunate enough as alicorns were said to be as scarce as a hen's teeth. I could smell the fragrant, aromatic scent floating in the air from her mane. Her shockingly beautiful appearance and the scent of her mane prompted me of my first ever childhood friend. My childhood friend and I used to play gleefully together on a wide, viridescent field that welcomed us with flamboyant flowers that bloomed vibrantly. She was such a lovely and sweet alicorn. We would play tag with each other and lie down on the field, staring at each other's eyes with a gracious smile. I still had fond memories of her adorable puppy face and her endearing chuckle until this day.

  During recess, I would usually queue at the back of the endless line, waiting impatiently to receive my food like a pack of starving Timberwolves. I sat at the table placed at the far northeast corner of the cafeteria, gnawing on the food that I received as usual. Sitting alone while enjoying my own meal without any students around my desk was a pretty standard thing for me, considering that I had a rotten luck of making friends in school. While eating, a counterfoil was caught at the corner of my eye. I saw that mare again, the same mare that I saw minutes ago. She was currently wearing a formal shirt that resembled what a waitress would wear and served delicious appetizers to the other students. At first, I felt shy as I wasn't a very sociable stallion, but eventually the cogs in my head turned about 180 degrees the other way around, resisting the bashful image of me. I clopped my step towards that mare and greeted her with confidence. She turned her head around and greeted me back cheerfully with a delightful smile. All of a sudden, my heart was pounding as fast as a hare. My timid image had shown up yet again and my body began shaking itself inside. I was extremely nervous at first and tried to avoid her, but she started talking to me continuously with her sparkling eyes. Knowing that ignoring a pony wouldn't give me a gratifying image, I calmed myself down and had a long, colloquial conversation with her. We sauntered along the windy seaside and got to know each other more as the conversation went on, with our feet being comforted by the smooth, polished gradient of the sand and being splashed by the continuously vibrating water of the waves. As she was taking her leave, I realized droplets of tears were running down my cheeks and dripped onto the sand. At the first time of my life, I began to feel... emotional. My emotions couldn't find a shady spot to hide in as they finally revealed their true nature in front of her. Her voice was surprisingly very similar to that of my childhood friend's. She noticed that I was tearing up and hugged me to provide comfortness. She told me that she had the same feeling as mine when she saw me in class. Of course, I already knew her name just by listening to her introduction attentively when many of the newbies were instructed to introduce themselves as much as they like in front of the entire class. She went by the name of Sweet Swirl, but in my eyes I jokingly viewed her as 'The Sweetest of all Swirls'. Surprisingly, we both originated from the same hometown, Canterlot. Coincidence perhaps? But something kept on bothering me unknowingly, and that was her name. That name felt familiar as if I felt like I have heard that name somewhere when I was a young colt. Whether that student was my childhood friend in reality or not, it didn't matter. With a breath of courage, I asked her to become my prom partner without any hesitation. As soon as I let out my words, the surroundings overflowed with a silent pause, with only the sounds of waves splashing along the coastline and the wind blowing faintly. Her face began to turn as pale red as a tomato, but she gladly agreed in the end. I had a sense of jubilation and contentment that I never felt in my life before. And the luckiest thing was, we were assigned to be dorm roommates!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2023 ⏰

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