Chapter 21: Familiar People

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The cover at the top is by: @FlashingColors; thank you sooo much!:)


"May. Don't do that pouty face; it makes me want to kiss you."

"Why don't you? I question, my voice barely coming out in a whisper. He doesn't respond for a while, me thinking did I ruin the mood? The car stops at a red light and that's when he does. His head turns around to face me; green eyes hypnotizing me. My blue eyes dilated and dropped slightly, looking at his soft, kissable lips. Not as good as David's. Not David again.

"May," He whispers; his eyes flitting to my lips. I licked them. And then as if time went slowly we moved closer together, his minty breath fanning my face. Just as our lips connected a jolt of electricity went through me.However, fate had another plan. A car honked disrupting us and just like that we went from being almost lovers to strangers.


The rest of the ride was very awkward and whenever I looked at him, the image of his eyes as he 'almost' kissed me burned into my skull. I can't believe that he was going to kiss me. Going being the key word. I fumbled with my denim jacket and softly bit my lip before saying,

"Where are we going?"

He just rolled his green eyes once more,

"Didn't I tell you that I wasn't going to tell you?"

"Hey! It's good that I am concerned! What if you were a creepy serial killer that wanted to murder me and bury my body in the woods?" I asked slightly panicky.

"Oh May. I would never do that; you're too beautiful to be buried in the woods." I blush at his last statement. He called me beautiful. I was officially now on cloud 900,000,000 and nothing could bring me down.

"Er thanks. You're beautiful too." I compliment Cam; however you don't usually call men 'beautiful.' "I mean handsome." I quickly change my previous statement. Another blush forming on my cheeks.

"Awww, look at that! May is blushing!" He exclaims, using his free hand to pinch my red cheeks. I blushed even more at the skin to skin contact.

"S-Stop that." I said, my breath quickening. He just smiled softly before saying,

"Do I make you nervous May?" And as he said that I realized he had parked the car and we were face to face.

"N-no." I reply, failing miserably as I stutter again.

"May," He says my name as if it's the most beautiful thing he has heard. My eyes widen once more today as I realize what he is trying to do.

Once more his head moves towards mine, tilting slightly I also move my head towards him. This is it May! You are going to have your first kiss with the guy you like.And before even registered what was happening Cam's lips connected with mine. At first it was awkward with my nose occasionally bumping his and an overdose of saliva however as seconds went on Cam taught me how to move his mouth against mine. And before I knew it I was practically clinging onto his body; with my hands wound against his neck and my body leaning against his, the seat belt was the only thing stopping me from landing into his lap. He bit my lip softly making me close my eyes even more. Savouring the moment with my first real crush. Kissing was awesome. No wonder so many people do it.

If it were up to me I would freeze in time, capturing the essence of this moment. If it were up to me I would continue to kiss him until it was the end of my days. However, it wasn't up to me rather up to God. (A/N: To avoid any bullcrap about religion I just wanted to say: It doesn't matter what religion you are; I am cool with that. I have friends that are Buddhist, Catholic, Atheists, Hindu and sooo many more. They are all really beautiful people inside and out. I am Catholic so I believe in God and Jesus but I don't want any crap saying 'God isn't real or anything.' If that's what you believe as I said before I'm cool with that, but don't be on MY book saying crap about the religion I follow. This may come off as harsh but if you do so I WILL DELETE YOUR COMMENT. Thank you for cooperating.) And since God made us to be human we needed to pull apart for oxygen. We rested our foreheads against each other my blue eyes boring into his ones. I smiled nervously not knowing how to react. I thought the kiss was amazing but did he? I could've been crap for all I know. This was my first kiss and it was beautiful; however he has kissed so many other girls. Would I become one of them?

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