His butterfly...

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I remember the day I saw her as if it was just yesterday. That sunny day and the sweet air beckoned me to listen to them, trying to tell me how my life was going to never stay the same. I laid my eyes on her…What a beautiful sight she was. Her head was thrown back as she laughed without a care in the world, her eyes closed, her two dimples popping on her full cheeks, and her arms around her friend's shoulder as if she needed something to hold onto while she obviously lost herself to the world around her. That was the day I lost everything to her. That is the day I wished for something. I wished for her to be mine.

I wanted to run a finger down her full cheeks, wanted to trace her lips with mine…wanted those hands wrapped around mine. More than any of that, I wanted her smile directed my way for as long as I lived. Her gaze clashed with mine and just as they say, "Everything stopped." The noise around me could no longer reach my ears. Everything became a blur except for her. I am sure my heart stopped too. I felt my lungs burn with the lack of air in them.

She waved her hand in my direction and my sweaty palms began to shake. You may call it being nervous but I like to think that it was the force of my love for her that made me tremble.
She took her first steps toward me and I vowed to myself that I would care for her forever and would destroy every obstacle that stood in my way from having her. I don't think of myself as a violent person but just one glance of her changed me. I was ready to fight anything, anyone for her love.
As the distance between us started to disappear, my sanity left me…so did my thoughts. My head was blank. Completely blank. All I could was watch her come closer to me and that's it. Her floral perfume teased my lungs as her glowing, unblemished face was etched into my soul for eternity…stroke by stroke. I captured every little detail from the mole under her eyes to the one beneath her lower lip. I burned every inch of that perfect face into my memory.

Her eyes were full of so many stories and I wanted to spend my entire life listening to them. That beautiful smile made everything seem lively somehow and I felt the ice around my heart melt. How I wished to catch this vibrant butterfly who had filled my dark life with every shade of color the universe offered.
Her dark, captivating orbs locked into mine and a snap of her fingers was what brought me back to the present. Her amused expression said it all. Everything I was feeling was being reflected on my face. She saw through me...the real me and I wasn't scared. I tried to find my way out of the spell she had cast upon me but to no avail. I was destined to be lost in her forever with no hope of ever returning. To be honest, I did not want to come back.

"Seems like I took your breath away." Her tone was teasing, melodious, confident...so damn perfect. "What do I have to do to get you to have a coffee with me?" Her words sealed the deal for me. I claimed her as mine that very second. It was at that moment that I decided I would be her believer and worship her forever. In just a handful of minutes, she had dug her way into my heart and claimed the throne for herself, becoming the sole reason for my existence.
I wish I could say I made an impression on her and charmed my girl off her feet but that would be a lie. I stood dumbfounded as she grabbed my hand and walked us to a small cafe for our very first date. I listened to her talk the entire time. Her voice was a balm to my soul, her smile bright and I latched onto that beam of light with all my might.

I fell deeper in love with every passing day. Her presence never lost its effect on me. I chased my butterfly all the way until she landed on my palm.
I adored all of her. I fell for her quirks, loving each one harder than the other. From her silly faces to her moody self, everything was endearing. I never told her that I loved the way she scrunched up her nose at the mushrooms on my plate. Never told her that I loved the way she fussed a little in her sleep before waking up. Never told her how crazy I was for her even when she ate weird combinations of her food. She could never decide if she was a sweet-toothed princess or a spice-loving one. If she ever asked me...I just told her she was an angel. The most beautiful one out there.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2023 ⏰

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