Chapter 23

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I got off the bus and looked at everything around me.
It was a small town somewhere I could maybe call home. Shops lined the street.
I walked down the street looking in the shops along the way.
There was a Electronic shop and in the window there was the news playing I paused for a second to watch.
Sarah popped up on the screen and I jumped.
She was crying saying." I just want my baby to come home. I want to know she's safe."

I could tell her tears were fake.
I looked down at my arms and saw the fresh bruises there.
She was a lier,and a faker.
Never would I trust her again,not that I really ever had.

I knew I couldn't stay here it was too close,to close to her and her torture.

I went into a drug store and bought a pair a scissors and some hair dye.
Then went into the dinner across the street,and went into the bathroom
I cut my hair short as I could stand it,just above my shoulders.Then I put the blond hair dye in.
When I washed it out I barely recognized myself.
And that's what I wanted.
I changed my clothes than left the bathroom to go get something to eat.

I got on the bus again this time I found a big city were maybe I would be invisible or at least blend in.

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