Scene: Riley finds Tobias smoking.

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Tobias sat on the roof, feet dangling over the edge. Tilting his head back and parting his lips smoke tumbled out of his lungs. He let his eyes slip closed, a smile creeping onto his face. His head tilted back down to his lap, red hair falling into his face. He flicked the ash onto the street below him.

Behind him, he could hear the roof door creak open. He sighed opening his eyes. He knew it was Riley. He could sense his angelic blood. But he couldn't sense anyone else. Riley was alone. Knowing that Tobias didn't bother putting out his blunt. It was just Riley after all.

Riley walked up to Tobias' side, hands in the pocket of his jacket.

"Cold?" Tobias asked.

"A little bit." Riley shrugged, looking out at the city.

"Never knew it was cold." Tobias looks down at his blunt before taking another drag. "I don't feel things as little as that anymore."

"What do you mean 'as little as that'?" Riley turned to Tobias confused.

"Temperature, pain, sadness, love. And many other things. It was taken from us." Tobias glanced at Riley before directing his gaze back to the road.


Tobias sighed. "The new generations of angels. Built to be the perfect warriors." He shrugs, handing his blunt to Riley.

Riley took it between his fingers. He watched Tobias carefully. Watching his smile fall and his face turn to stone. He sighs, sitting down beside Tobias. He was going to be out here a long time. "How old even are you?"

"Barely a century."

Riley's eyes widened. "You're just a kid."

"Yep." Two beers appeared in Tobias' hands. He offered one to Riley. "Beer?" He gave a half smile.

Riley's heart ached at how forced Tobias' smile looked. He took the beer wordlessly. Taking a drag of the blunt he handed it back to Tobias. Tobias took it with the same hand he held the beer. He used his other hand to flick the lid off Riley's beer. The bottle cap fell onto the road below them.

Riley muttered his thanks before drinking from the bottle. Tobias put the blunt in his mouth as he opened his bottle. He took a swig and then another hit. His hand fell back into his lap, turning back to the road.

"Why does Mitch hate me so much?"

Riley sighed, his shoulders sagging. "Demons, they... They hate angels because of our divine blood. The chance to be forgiven after death. And for you. Well," He tapped the side of the bottle. "It is said that one day, a new generation of angels will bring about a war between heaven and hell. Good and evil."

"That's bullshit." Tobias hissed.

Riley turned to him. "Maybe. But it's how they work. Their minds can't be changed. Just like how yours can't."

"I mean it's bullshit that they think they can decide who's good and who's evil. There is no such thing. Not like that anyway. Sure, the person messing with the humans is 'evil' in our minds. But maybe in their mind, they probably think they're doing the right thing. It's all about perspective."

Riley was silent for a moment. "And if they just want to kill for fun."

"Then they're fucked in the head. But even babies bite and they're not evil. As far as I know. Yeah, I know, some just enjoy the suffering of others and that makes them a nasty guy, I've had my fair share, but not everyone is evil." He turns to Riley. "Hardly any of the people cast down to hell deserve to be down there. Some did what they had to do."

Lightning cracked above in the clear sky. "Watch what you say, Toby," Riley mumbles. "Loni can hear you."

"Yeah?" Tobias smirks, looking up at the sky. "Well, she can suck a dick! Do you hear me? Suck a cock!" He shouted to the skies without a sliver of shame. He grinned like a kid who just swore at his mother and was proud of it. Which, he technically just did.

Lightning crackled in the sky again.

Riley chuckled. "You're going to be in so much trouble after this mission."

"If I make it out alive."

Riley's eyes widened in worry. Tobias didn't look the slightest bit distraught. In fact, he looked thrilled, happy, a large smile plastered to his lips, mischief in his eyes. Riley's eyes flickered to the bottle and joint in Tobias' hands. "Do you have any self-preservation, Angel?"

Tobias shook his head. "Nah. Not really. I'll die in battle one day like I'm destined to. But who cares about the rest of it? It's all so boring and bland. black and white." He mumbled quietly. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2023 ⏰

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