Image 03 : A new companion

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Disconnect PoV :

"W3lp, ThAt waS riskY fun."
Some patients running around in panic, while I was walking calmly in hallway. The alarm start ringing rapidly and security seems busy.

"MayBe th0se idea Isn't ThAt bad."
Yelling from far away, a doctor try to warn security to stop me.

"MAybe I sh0uldn't us3 nørmal exPlosive gas to escApe.... "

"Yeah, you should overdose other patients instead. "
Standing right behind me a skeleton that looks like Ink, but I know he is different version, since he surprisingly very calm.

"Name's Art" He smile at me, warm smile, somehow I feel like he have a real soul.

"I'm probably from different universe, just like you." He pull his hand, offering a handshake and friendship.

"Disconn3ct." I surprise I shake those hand at that time, maybe because I didn't feel Fate's aura?

Art PoV :

I surprise that he accepts my handshake, unlike my Error, his hands bone is very sharp and cracky, but it's for another time.

"So.... Can we be roomies? "

"A WhAt?"

I smile, after a whole month, I can finnaly see someone who looks like my old friends.

"MĀybë you arE rIght, we need Plac3 to live on. "
He suddenly smile, a true smile. It's rare for sanses do that.

"Let's go! W3 need buy a house. Wann4 Join? Roomies?"


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2023 ⏰

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