Willow The Old Lady Tormentor. (FUCK!)

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- Two Years Later -

Willow is now two years old, and Harry can't remember what it's like to get a good night's sleep. 

Her first word was fuck, and it was very difficult to take her anywhere, since she knew what context to use it in, and would scream the word at the top of her lungs whilst having a tantrum. (the scandalized old women almost made it worth it.)

Louis, when she first said it, was weirdly proud for a man whose child just swore.

"She really is my kid, Haz!" He'd exclaimed.

They had gotten married a year after Willow was born, a small wedding that Willow screeched through. 

Louis, when he went back to work, had to hire a new assistant. She was called Eleanor, a woman with a nasally voice and no regard for commitment. She'd been fired within a week, what with Louis fearing the wrath of Harry.

Now Niall was Louis' assistant, and they both worked part time so Harry could spend more time with the kids. Thankfully, he no longer thought that Willow looked like an egg.

Her eyes were green now, and her lips were the same as Harry's, but she had the same high cheekbones as Louis. They still hadn't told her what they were doing when she was born, even though she often asked.

Will had been afraid of Willow at first, thinking she was an alien, but now the two were close. Will spent more time with he and Louis because of this, since it had been agreed that the two should grow up together. 

Will has also now learned the word for 'the funny arm drawings', and was mildly obsessed with where Louis had tattooed both Will's and Willow's names on his forearm. Harry himself has a willow tree on his back, Will having told him very seriously not to get one for him since Harry's not actually his daddy. (he's never seen Louis put so much effort into stifling his own laughter)

They've become their own little family, and it's nice. Even if they had a very strange beginning to their relationship, he and Louis are made for each other. He's never really believed in fate, not until now. Now he actually believes in it. How else would he end up with Louis?


"Daddy?" Willow says, waking Harry up. He fell asleep on the sofa, since Louis' working late and he wants to stay up.

"Are you alright, Willow?" He murmurs, still half-asleep.

"Where's Papa?" She asks, clambering up beside him. He pulls her onto her lap, letting her cuddle into him.

"He's working, bub." Harry tells her, brushing her hair away from her eyes.

"That's not very nice of him." She pouts.

"Is it not?"

"No." Willow says, sounding every bit Louis' daughter with how sure of herself she is. "He's supposed to come home and cuddle daddy and make funny noises!"

"What?" Harry asks. He has no idea what she's talking about.

"When papa gets home he and daddy go to the bedroom and make funny noises before they go to sleep." Willow says.

And, oh god. Fuck.

Will choses this moment to come down the stairs, jumping beside Harry.

They all sit and wait for Louis, who cuddles Harry the minute he gets home.

"Hey, babe." He greets once he's seated, kissing Harry. "Missed you."

"Missed you too." Harry says. He'll tell her about Willow hearing them fuck later.

In hindsight, the hysterical diva breakdowns were definitely worth it. He wouldn't change it for the world.

--- THE END ---

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